Chapter 16

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Goldenpaw's POV

I never got to know you, Honeyfern, I said in my mind to the ginger she-cat, digging my muzzle into her cold fur. But I can tell that you were the type of warrior that I aspire to be.

I then pulled away, leaving Honeyfern to be with cats dearest to her. Cinderheart had gone to the gathering, but Sorreltail, Brackenfur, Poppyfrost, and Berrynose had stayed to grieve for their loved one.

I watched the gathered cats for a few moments, my heart practically breaking for them. But, I had to be thankful that I wasn't there with them, fighting my own immense grief.

Watching Lilypetal leap at that snake was one of the most heart-stopping things I have ever witnessed, I realized to myself. Thank StarClan that she isn't there lying beside Honeyfern right now. I shook my head quickly, pushing that vision away as I settled down just a few tail-lengths from where the vigil was happening. I could barely stand even the thought.

As I sat near the main camp clearing, trying to clear my head, I suddenly realized that Snowpaw wasn't anywhere in sight. Usually around this time of day, she and I would sit and talk near the apprentices den, discussing our day of training and whatever else. After Honeyfern's vigil started and ThunderClan left for the Gathering, she just kind of disappeared out of thin air, didn't she?

I then flicked my ears and rolled my eyes as I thought that I knew where the white she-cat might be.

Letting out an annoyed huff, I turned around and stomped straight towards the medicine cat den. I should've suspected this as soon as I realized she was missing! I thought frustratedly.

It's not like this was new. Ever since the day that Snowpaw had confessed to me that she was interested in becoming a medicine cat apprentice, she would take every opportunity she could to help out Jayfeather or Leafpool. She was still training as a warrior apprentice, and would go out with Sorreltail, Brackenfur and I each day. But, almost immediately after we would get back, she would pelt over to the medicine den to see if there was anything that she could do. She would even attempt to collect herbs when we were out in the forest every once in a while.

"Oh, thyme!" She exclaimed one morning as we followed Brackenfur and Sorreltail to our usual training clearing.

I had rolled my eyes as she padded over to the thyme bush, beginning to collect some. "I think that it's thyme for you to get your priorities straight," I had muttered to her.

Another day, she had actually paused mid-practice-fight when she caught sight of yarrow nearby.

"Oh! Hold on a moment, I see yarrow!" She exclaimed, leaping off of me and trotting quickly over to the bush where the herbs were.

"Yarrow getting on my last nerve!" I had growled, letting myself flop over onto my side.

If it wasn't clear enough already, Snowpaw's shenanigans had been driving me absolutely insane in the recent moons. We were going to be warriors very soon, and I wondered what Snowpaw was going to do about that when she seemed to have such a passion for being a medicine cat.

The situation is still the same, I told myself as I peered my head into the medicine den. Leafpool and Jayfeather don't need any help. Snowpaw is still out of luck!

As I predicted, Snowpaw was in the medicine den.

I groaned with annoyance. "Snowpaw, what are you doing?" I demanded, making my way into the medicine den to join her. "In case you have forgotten, this isn't your den."

Snowpaw didn't avert her gaze from her work. "I thought Jayfeather and Leafpool would maybe like it if I sorted their herbs for them," she answered cheerfully. "I overheard them saying earlier that their den was a mess!"

I just sighed, shook my head, and left the den. "Good luck dealing with Jayfeather once he comes back to find an apprentice in his den!" I called back to my sister after arriving back in the clearing.

Not knowing what to do with myself while I waited for ThunderClan to return from the Gathering, I scanned around the camp, my eyes briefly resting on the continuing vigil, before my eyes fell on Mousewhisker, who was pacing a little ways away from the vigil.

I decided to pad over to my Clanmate, who I had befriended just a couple of moons before. The two of us had been on the dawn patrol together along with Brackenfur and Hazeltail, and we had immediately hit it off. By the time we had arrived at the ShadowClan border to put our scent markers down, I was already exhausted by how much I had been laughing. Since then, we shared a piece of prey every once in a while to just talk and joke around. Now, I considered him one of my closest friends in the Clan.

And there's nothing romantic about it, which makes it even nicer! I realized as I nodded to the white and gray tom. I then settled down, watching him continue to pace.

"Decided that you wanted to wear out your paws tonight?" I joked as Mousewhisker finally stopped pacing and settled down beside me.

Mousewhisker let out a sigh. "I suppose so," he murmured, looking down at his paws. "Anything to get my mind off of today."

I gazed at my friend sympathetically before wrapping my tail across his shoulders. "I get it," I breathed, leaning my head on his shoulder. "I'm sure some cats would bang their heads against a tree if it meant that they could get their mind off of today."

Mousewhisker purred with amusement, standing up. "Okay, you go find a tree then," he meowed, "I'll meet you there, and then I'll just screw my eyes shut while you grab my scruff and throw me against it!"

I let out a mrrow of laughter, pushing down Mousewhisker's haunches with one of my paws. "Sit down, you stupid furball!" I exclaimed, purring. "Don't be silly. We wouldn't want to harm the trees like that!"

The both of us howled with laughter. I then sighed, glancing over at the camp entrance. "I kind of wish I had been chosen to go to the Gathering tonight," I murmured to Mousewhisker.

"Me too!" Mousewhisker agreed, his voice continuing to sound a little brighter. "Do you think we're missing anything interesting?"

I shrugged and let out a small grunt. "I have no idea!" I responded, looking up at the moon that was high in the sky. "It's gotten pretty late... hopefully they're not standing around yelling at each other."

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