Chapter 4

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Lilypetal's POV

"-and then he ran off into the forest," I finished. "Since then, I've only heard him and scented him."

As soon as Thornclaw and I had arrived in Firestar's den, we had told him about Ashfur. I had explained exactly what I'd seen as Firestar listened with his emerald eyes narrowed.

"So, what do you think?" Thornclaw asked the ThunderClan leader as soon as I had finished.

Firestar looked thoughtful for a few heartbeats.

"Well, first off, I definitely have to say that that's not a surprise to me," Firestar murmured. "Exiled cats don't typically let go that easily." I raised my eyebrows as a quick shudder ran down the leader's spine.

I flicked my ears as I realized who Firestar was probably thinking about. When Bluestar had exiled Tigerstar in ThunderClan, back in the old forest, the determined dark brown tabby tom still tried to take down his former Clan. He had sent out a pack of dogs in an attempt to bring harm to any cat possible, and he had even teamed up with BloodClan, rogues from the Twolegplace, to take over the forest.

Even though Ashfur hasn't necessarily killed any cat yet, he has tried to, I thought. As much as I would like to hope that he wouldn't ever go as far as Tigerstar did, I can't settle with that.

Suddenly feeling the strong urge to get this cat out of the forest, I began kneading my paws on the ground as I asked Firestar, "Should Thornclaw and I go out into ThunderClan territory to try and find him?"

Firestar's eyes flashed with alarm. I already knew what he was about to ask.

"Millie is with the kits," I reassured Firestar. As much as I would prefer that another warrior go out to look for Ashfur in my place, I felt like the message wouldn't get through as much if I wasn't there. I managed to intimidate Ashfur at the Gathering. I'll certainly try again.

Luckily, Firestar seemed to be thinking like I was. "I suppose I'll have to trust your judgment, Lilypetal," he meowed. "I let you go to that Gathering, didn't I?"

"Yes, you did!" I agreed, determination surging into my bones.

"But do I want to trust your judgment, though?" Thornclaw retorted beside me. "We've seen the kinds of grudges that Ashfur can hold, and what he does about them!"

At Thornclaw's words, I glanced sympathetically over at Firestar as I remembered one of Ashfur's attempts at revenge against Squirrelflight. He helped Hawkfrost in trying to trap Firestar in a foxtrap. He was the one to lead him away from camp, I recalled. He claimed that that would match up to his pain he felt for Squirrelflight rejecting him. How outrageous is that?

Thornclaw interrupted my thoughts again. He starred at me, his eyes filled with worry. "I don't know what I'd do if I sent you out into danger like that when I didn't have to," he meowed, his voice shaking just a little bit.

I put my tail tip on Thornclaw's shoulder as my heart welled up with love. "But I do have to," I insisted. "And you'll be there to protect me." I then shook my head quickly, realizing that all of Thornclaw's words to me applied to him also. "But I don't want to bring you out into danger. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you."

Thornclaw's eyes glittered with admiration and apprehension. "In situations like this, there's just no fighting you, is there?" He whispered, touching his nose to mine. "And don't be ridiculous. I'm coming with you."

As Thornclaw pulled away, I gave him a warm look for just a heartbeat before turning back to Firestar. "We'll take care of Ashfur for you," I meowed definitively, giving the leader a sharp nod.

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