Chapter four

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A red balloon...

Something tells me that this is a bit strange.

I slowly walk up to the window cautiously. I peer out onto the streets. Nothing. Why was that balloon there anyway?

I shake off the thought and turn to walk back to my bed to find something unexpected. Writing on my wall. Written in blood. Written to scare me.

You'll float too... If you come with me

How the hell did that get there? Who wrote it? My hands are now shaking and my breath uneven. I quickly go to grab a baseball bat for self defence. I don't like this at all.

Suddenly, I hear a creepy laugh coming from outside. I walk up to my window again, only this time I see a figure across the road holding a bunch of balloons.

The figure moved them away, only to reveal a scary looking clown. With its other hand it waves at me. I'm taken by suprise at its antics. Well that's not strange at all.

I hear something coming from downstairs, so I turn around to see what it was. I guess it's just mum dropping something in the kitchen.

Once again I turn to face my window. The clown. It's gone. I start go panic and run back over to my bed, picking up the bat I dropped.

That laugh. There it was again. Only this time, it was closer. My head whips round to locate where the laugh came from.

The next thing I know is that I'm staring at the clown which is now sat on my window ledge. My window is wide open, letting in the fresh air.

"Hey y/n. You want a balloon?" It asks me. I back away. "Um...n-no thanks. Who are you?" I ask.

"Me? Oh, I'm Pennywise the dancing clown. And you? Your y/n l/n" it says to me. "How do you know my name?" I ask. The clown just laughs at me.

"I know everyone... You want a balloon? They float. We all float." It says with a scary smile.

To my instinct, I turn away and lock myself in the bathroom.


After about 10 minutes, I emerge from the bathroom. It should be safe, it must have gone by now.

I strut back to my room to find it empty. Thank god for that.

I begin to clean up my room since it was messy, until I hear another bang on my window. The same balloon from before floated there. It turns around to reveal letters saying 'I love Derry'.

Withought warning, the balloon pops sending blood splattering all over my window. What the shit?

Frightened to death, I run downstairs wanting some air.

"Mum, I'm going out for a bit. Is that alright?" I ask her. She turns and smiles at me. "Thats fine y/n. Just don't be gone too long okay sweetie?" She kindly says. "Yes mum" I quickly say.

I open my door and run down the street. That's a day I'll never forget.

Greatest Fears_Bill Denbrough x readerWhere stories live. Discover now