Chapter seventeen

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Me and Bill decide that it is getting late so we start to walk home.

"T-thank you f-for staying with me" Bill says quietly. I turn my head to face him and smile.

We were talking all the way home and I didn't even realize that we were now at my house. We both stop at my front door. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow Bill" I say looking down.

The truth is, I don't want to leave him. I need to make sure he's ok. Bill smiles and lifts up my chin so I'm looking at him.

He slowly starts to lean in and I do the same. Unfortunately we were interrupted by my front door opening, so we quickly step away from each other.

"Oh y/n your home. Who's this?" My mum asks looking at Bill. "Oh mum, this is Bill. Hes a friend of mine who lives down the street" I say.

She smiles at Bill. "Well its nice your making friends y/n. Do you want to come inside Bill?" My mum asks.

"N-no thank you m-mrs l/n, I have to get home" he says. My mum nods. "Oh and please, call me (mum's first name)" my mum adds.

Bill nods and turns around after waving goodbye to me. As soon as I can't see him anymore, me and mum go inside the house.

"So...he's just a friend huh?" Mum says. I groan in annoyance. "Yes mum he's just a friend" I roll my eyes. She chuckles. "Sure whatever you say sweetie" she says.

Mum goes into the kitchen and looks in the cupboard and the fridge for food. "Y/n! There's no food left, I'm gonna go shopping! Is there anything you want me to buy?" She asks from the kitchen.

"I'm okay thanks mum" I say. She grabs her things and goes to unlock the door. "Ok darling. I'll be back in about two hours okay?" She says and I nod in response.

As soon as mum leaves the house I run upstairs to my room.


It's been about two hours since mum left so she's probably coming home now. I sat on my bed and decided to read the Derry news.

I flicked through the pages, but one caught my eye. It was a missing poster with a picture on it. A picture of me.

My heart started to beat faster and I started to panic. The sound of the front door could be heard so I walk out of my room. "Mum is that you?!" I ask. No answer.

"Mum! You home?!" I ask again. Still no reply. I begin to walk downstairs to close the front door. That's odd. Mum always locks the front door.

As the click of the door sounds I turn around only to face... The clown.

It wickedly smiles at me. "I told you that you'll float soon y/n." It says and looks at me.

Everything went black

Hi sorry that I haven't been updating recently. I have just been very busy. I'm sorry for the crap chapters. I also realize that I have missed key scenes out of this story that happen in the film.

I only write this story based on what I remember of the film.

Thank you all for voting, reading and adding my story to your reading lists. I am so greatful and I can not show you how much appreciation I have.

Love you all❤🎈

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