Chapter thirteen

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Bill slowly begins to walk inside the house with me, Richie and Eddie following closely behind.

We come to a staircase and I look up at it. Crash! I turn around at the sound and unable to control my reflexes, I end up grabbing onto Bill's hand.

I look away in embarrassment. "S-sorry Bill, I just got a bit scared" I say looking down. He pulls me into a warm embrace. "D-dont w-worry y/n. I-I'm right here f-for you" he calmly says to me.

I nod and pull back looking at him. We turn back around to face the staircase again. "I don't like the look of this shit" Richie says in a worried tone.

"Ladies first" Richie pipes up again. "Oh well then, Richie you better go first if that's what you think" I say with a smirk on my face.

Bill instead walks first and noticing this, the three of us follow. We reach the top of the stairs to see a long hallway. I carefully make sure that no traps are set and there's nothing dangerous about.

"Oh god guys! I'm missing! Look it says I'm fucking missing!" Richie screams. I run over to him and grab the paper. I look at it.

Richie Tozier. Missing.

I screw the paper up and throw it behind me. "Ow!" Someone says. I turn around and see Eddie holding his left eye. "Sorry" I apologize to him.

I turn back to face Richie. "Look Richie, your not missing. Your right here ok? It's just a trick" I say, reassuring him.

I walk back into the corridor and look at a door at the end of the room. I see someone laying there in the doorway.

"Guys look" I say pointing towards the girl.

"Help me" she begs. "Help me please" she says again before getting pulled away. Bill, Richie and I begin to walk towards the room to our front.

As we enter the room, I hear the door slowly begin to close. I turn around and see Eddie. "Eddie come on hurry up!" I shout. As he reaches the door, it's finally too late.

We bang on the door and try to get it open. "I-it w-wont o-open!" Bill shouts to Eddie on the other side. Great were screwed.

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