Chapter ten

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Bill invited us all to his house to find out more about this clown. We are all waiting in the garage for Richie and Stan.

I hear two bikes pull up and they both walk inside. Bill gets up and closes the garage door.

The projecter is turned on, drawing our attention to it. "S-so, this is t-the m-map of the D-Derry sewers." Bill starts.

"So, basically whatever 'it' is lives there?" I ask. He just nods. "Wait wait wait!" Richie cuts us off. "So your saying that we have to go into a shitty sewer to kill this clown?" He asks.

"W-well do y-you have a-a better p-plan?" Bill asks. Richie sighs in defeat. "So we have to kill this clown...Who's actually willing to help?" I ask.

One by one, they start to raise their hands. Me, Bill, Richie, Ben, Beverly. Stan hesitates for a second until he finally has the guts to join us.

"No way! I'm not risking my life down there!" Eddie exclaims. He stands in front of the map with his arms up in the air. CLICK. The picture changes. Eddie turns around and backs up.

CLICK. The picture changes again. It changes multiple times, showing pictures of Bill and his family.

I back up away from the projector. The picture zooms in onto Georgie until it flashes to a woman with hair in front of her face.

She slowly looks up to reveal it wasn't a woman. It was the clown.

We all begin to scream and I slide down the wall almost crying.

"Turn it off!" Beverly shouts. They struggle to turn it off, they end up just throwing it on the floor. It goes quiet. Another picture of the clown is shown and flashes a few times, until the clown disappears.

The room fills with sighs of relief and silence.

Suddenly, a giant version of the clown appears and we are all screaming for our lives. I run over to the garage door and lift it up.

As the light shines in, the clown vanishes. "What the he'll was that?"

Greatest Fears_Bill Denbrough x readerWhere stories live. Discover now