Chapter seven

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It's been a long day, so I decide to go back home.

As I'm about to walk in, I hear a faint childlike voice. "Y/n. Come with me. We all float" it says giggling. I turn around to face a young boy that looks like a 6 year old. He was wearing the same raincoat as the little boy before.


"If you come with me, you'll float too!" He says getting louder. He looks up and smiles at me. "Billy would want you to come with me" he says in a sad voice.

He starts running down the street, so me being as curious as I am, decides to follow.

"Hey! Wait up!" I shout. Anyway, I thought Georgie was dead. I brush away the thought and continue to run down the street, until we come to a house.

I see Georgie run into a group of bushes and when I try to find him, he's gone.

"Come float with me y/n" Georgie says in his tiny voice. I was taken by surprise. "H-how do you know my name?" I ask.

His voice starts to change. "I know everyone y/n. I know what your afraid of." The clown.

I begin to step away. "I know your greatest fears" it says maliciously.

Without warning, the clown emerges out of the bushes and leaps towards me. It grabs me by the collar and shouts "I'll come back! I'll come back to kill you! I'll kill you all!" It screams at me.

I'm then thrown down to the floor. I groan in agony and feel blood trickling down the side of my face.

A bunch of red balloons then come floating out from behind the greenery and float up high into the sky.

My head is pounding and I hear a faint voice shouting my name. My eyelids become heavy. I try my hardest to stay awake, but it's no use.

I close my eyes...

Greatest Fears_Bill Denbrough x readerWhere stories live. Discover now