Chapter six

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Why did I do that? Why would I just walk out of there like that?

I begin to walk up to a cliff and I just sit there admiring the view. The blue sky beautifully reflected the water at the bottom of the cliff.

I'm about to stand up, when I hear twigs snapping behind me. I quickly turn around, only to realise that it was just the boys.

"Hey y/n" they say in unison. I look up at them and notice that the girl from before was with them. There was also another boy I had not seen before.

I slightly smile at them and turn back around. The girl comes up next to me and says "hi, I'm Beverly. You must be y/n, am I correct?" I show a look of confusion.

"Nice to meet you Beverly. But if I may ask, how do you know me?" I ask her. She just laughs at my question.

"Bill has told me a lot about you" she says to me. I feel my face heat up and begin to blush. What is wrong with me?

All of a sudden, Beverly jumps off the cliff into the water. "Beverly!" I scream. I see her pop up from the water. Thank god she's alright.

Next, I hear the boys messing around and run off the edge too, all landing in the water. Now I'm the only one left up here.

"Come on y/n!" I can faintly hear their voices calling me down. I look down off the edge. That's a very long fall.

I back up. Do it for the losers. Do it for Bill. I think to myself. I walk backwards away from the cliff.

It's now or never.

I take a run up to the edge and dive off. I scream all the way down. Holy shit I'm gonna die!

I land in the water and swim back up to the surface. Everyone cheers and congratulates me. I have never done something like this before.


We are now messing around in the water. The rest of the losers are on each others shoulders, whilst I'm just splashing them with water.

Suddenly, I feel a hand wrap around my ankle and pull me under. I hear the screams of my friends. I try to escape, eventually kicking something.

I swim to the surface immediately gasping for air. "Ow, what was that for?" I hear a voice behind me. It was Richie. "Well you did pull me under the water idiot" I say.

The rest of the group laugh at us. "Hey it's not funny" I say. "He could have killed me!" I exclaim dramatically.

I decide to swim back to the dry land and just sit on the side. I lay down and look up at the beautiful blue sky.

"H-hey, y-you okay?" Bill comes up to me and asks. He looks down at me and smiles. "Yeah, I'm fine thanks" I say smiling back.

He comes to sit by me whispering something to himself. "Good" he says, not meaning for me to hear.

I must say, this is the most fun I have had in a long time.

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