Chapter five

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I continue to run down the street until I find myself in the middle of Derry town.

I decide that I should just act normal and walk now since there was a lot of people around.

I find myself walking near a shop and see the boys in there. I decide to walk up to them since I ran off withought giving them an explanation.

"Hey" I say softly to them as they turn around at the sound of my voice. "Hey y/n. Come back 'cause you can't resist me?" Richie asks in a confidant way. Maybe too overconfident.

"In your dreams asshole" I say giving him the middle finger. He plays along pretending to look shocked. "Why how rude" he says laughing, making everyone else laugh too.

"So y/n, why did you run away yesterday?" Stan asks me with curiosity. "I guess I just got a bit overwhelmed that's all" I say back.

"Ok then, so now we have a good explanation for that, why are you here now?" Eddie asks. Geez too many questions are being asked here.

"Well if I told you, you wouldn't believe me" I say quietly. He shakes his head "of course we'll believe you y/n" he says laughing.

"Well when I got back to my bedroom I-" I don't finish my sentence, seeing Bill at the end of the isle staring at some girl.

"Uh never mind. I think I'm just gonna go back to my house now" I say looking down. I hear them all say goodbye, I smile at them and say my goodbye too.

As I'm about to walk out, I see Bill looking at me. But all I can do is smile and look down, walking out of the shop.

Why did I do that?

Author's note.

Hey guys! Thank you so much for all the reads, comments and votes. It means so much to me.

Sorry for the short chapter, I didn't have much time to write.

Can't wait for the next chapter!

Greatest Fears_Bill Denbrough x readerWhere stories live. Discover now