Chapter twenty one

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As we all made it back out into the sunlight and fresh air, I looked to my right to see Bill pick up a shard of glass.

Me and the rest of the losers sit down on rocks and the grass, exhausted from what just happened.

Within a few seconds, Bill comes over to us with the glass shard in hand. "Promise me, promise that i-if it comes back, y-you'll all come back too." He says.

At first I'm a bit wiry about what he was saying, but we're all in this together. I stand up, making Bill smile at me. He walks over to me and holds my hand.

"Anyone else?" I ask. One by one, each of the losers stand up. The only person left was Stan. "Stanley, what about you?" I say looking at him with a warm smile.

He thinks about it for a while, until he stands up and joins us. Bill comes over and places the cold shard of glass to my hand, I look at him and nod.

He carefully runs the shard over my Palm, drawing blood. He does this to the others and then we all link our hands. This was a blood oath.

When it was over we all hugged each other and said out goodbyes. The only ones left now we're me and Bill.

"Well...I guess I better get going. See ya..." I say walking off back to the way my house is. "W-wait y/n!" He shouts making me turn around and look at him.

Without warning, he comes up to me and kisses me. We kissed for what felt like hours until we broke apart. We smile at each other in complete silence.

"W-will y-you be my g-g-girlfriend?" Bill stutters. I smile once more.

"Of course...Bill Denbrough"

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