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The next few days were hectic; Meredith and I hadn't had any time to ourselves, and I'd only really seen her in the hallways of the hospital, on her way to one surgery while I was off to another. It seemed like everyone was somehow dying of something all within the span of three days, and it was tiring to fix them, but we soldiered on anyway.

Between all the work, the lack of sleep, and how rundown I was, I hadn't had time for much of anything.

"Grey's on your service today, Dr. Montgomery" Bailey informed me, one particularly slow morning. I had an easy day lined up; two c-sections, a hysterectomy, and an in-utero surgery on a baby who had amniotic bands around her arm. Nothing big, nothing overly exciting, just some routine surgeries to get me through the day. All in all, I'd have plenty of time to sleep.

"Alright, sounds good. Tell her to meet me in room 2036, Mrs. James and her hysterectomy is the first surgery on our list" 


By lunchtime, I was exhausted all over again. Exhausted and extremely irritable.

Mrs. James decided to throw some complications our way during what should've been a routine surgery. A two hour hysterectomy turned into a five hour long surgery. Her blood pressure started to bottom out because there was so much scarring on her uterus and her ovaries that the stitches wouldn't hold; the damage was unreal. I should've been out of the OR by nine am, so I could make my C-section at ten. But by twelve, I was finally out of the OR, my nerves shot, and Mrs. James just barely hanging in there.

I ended up pushing both of my C-sections until tomorrow, neither of the babies needed to come out urgently so it was fine to wait another day, but the in-utero surgery was something that needed to be done as soon as I could. Which meant right after I was done with Mrs. James, I was in the OR again performing yet another seemingly easy surgery.


It was a surgery that should've only taken a couple of hours, tops. But we discovered very quickly that there was something off when I got in there and there was a third hand. Confused, I looked around inside the patients uterus, only to discover that there were twins we were not aware of; with all of our advanced technology and testing, we couldn't see the second baby because she was hiding behind her sister.

This made the surgery more complicated; I had to maneuver around two babies, not just one, and I had to be careful not to hit the other baby in the process of clipping the bands.

Several long hours later, I got out of the OR in hopes of eating something and then taking a nap before checking in on my post ops. My dreams were crushed when I was paged 911; one of my C-section patients was experiencing high blood pressure, and the OB who was checking on her recommended that I do the C-section to get the baby out now in order to avoid preeclampsia.

So, all in all, I'd spent all day running around with Meredith from patient to patient, my easy day long gone, and I'd barely said two words to her.

"Alright, everyone is good and stable. I'm going to get some food before Richard grows a uterus and demands a C-section" I sigh, handing Meredith the charts "don't kill anyone while I'm gone, Grey"

She nods, and lightly grabs my sleeve as I turn to walk away. "Are you on call tonight?" She asks.

"No, thank God I'm not"

"I'll meet you at your hotel tonight then, after I get off"

I raise an eyebrow. "It's been a long day, and the day isn't over for another three hours. Do you really feel like it's the best idea to start this tonight?" I ask.

"You've been stressed out all day, so have I. I think this would be a good stress reliever" Meredith tells me with a calm demeanour.

"I'm exhausted" I tell her "I really just want a nap"

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