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Meredith and I had been sleeping together for nearly two months before I'd gotten my first punishment. Usually, when we had sex, I was obedient. I listened, I did what she wanted me to do, and I did it well. I took pride in how good I handled myself, and I knew Meredith did too.

But, as good as I was, I am human. And humans tend to fuck up.

It started out the same as our usual encounters; we met at my hotel, she told me what to do and I did it. First I stripped, then I laid down flat on my back on the bed with my hands above my head, waiting for Meredith.

Usually, she'd tell me the rules at this point. No touching, no noises, no orgasms until she says so. It was usually pretty basic.

But tonight was going to be anything but basic.

"No moving, whatsoever" Meredith tells me "not one muscle. And of course, no touching me" she tacked on, as she stripped down and threw her clothes aimlessly on the floor.

"Mistress?" I ask, as Meredith strips off the last article of her clothing, and begins her journey up towards me "what classifies as moving?" No touching was a given; but she'd never said no moving before. And I knew if no moving meant what I thought it did, I'd have a hard time. My back was constantly arched off the bed, my feet twitched, I squirmed when she took too long. I was a very mobile person in bed.

"No arching, no squirming, no twitching. Nothing" Meredith says, confirming my fears aloud "no other rules; you can be as loud as you want and you can come whenever you please. In fact, you can be extra loud and come extra hard tonight, babydoll"

Well fuck.

I'd accepted my fate when she started to kiss me while slowly inserting two fingers into my wet cunt. Slowly, like she had all the time in the world, she moved her fingers, drawing it out, and making it harder for me to stay still.

"You're being so good for me tonight, baby" Meredith cooed, as she kissed down my neck, eliciting a long and loud moan from the bottom of my throat "so good for me, always a good girl, aren't you?" Her spare hand, that wasn't driving my vagina to the brink of insanity, began to absently play with my hard nipples.

"Yes, mistress" I pant, willing my legs not to move. I all but glued every part of my body down to the bed.

"Are you my good girl, baby?" She asked, rolling to prop her head up on the pillow next to me while her hands still worked me over torturously slow. "Are you my baby? Only mine?"

"Yes" I groaned, the feeling to twitch my legs becoming stronger with each gentle stroke of her fingers "only yours. Nobody else, I'm only yours"

She kissed the side of my forehead lovingly and whispered into my ear; "I'm only yours, too"

And with that, she drove me over the edge with a finger on my clit, sending pressure all throughout my body and shockwaves down my spine. As if my body was moving on it's own accord, I arched my back well off the bed as my arms clenched the sheets and my legs spasmed wildly.

When I'd come to, after slowing my breathing down and opening my eyes, Meredith was stroking my hair and looking at me firmly.

"I'm sorry" were the first words that came out of my mouth. I felt ashamed, like I failed her in some way. I had one thing to do for her, that was it, and I didn't do it.

"Oh baby girl" she wrapped her arms around me and pulled me into her, holding me tightly. "Baby, I'm not mad. But you know you weren't supposed to move"

I nod, my face pressed into her neck. "I know" I felt like crying; my throat had a knot in it and my eyes were starting to prickle with tears. I felt like I failed her.

"It's alright, okay? You did so so good for me. I'll punish you tomorrow. Tonight, I'm going to hold you and kiss you and make you feel better"

True to her word, she did just that.


I thought she'd forgotten about my punishment; I honestly did. And I can't say I was mad about it. Three days had gone by, and she hadn't mentioned it once. Of course, those three days were also spent celibate due to the demands of our jobs.

When we'd gotten to my hotel, after three torturously long days, she all but jumped me the second I'd opened the door.

My back slammed against the wall as she pinned me in place, kissing me for all I was worth and reminding me that I was worth a lot. She wasted no time getting into my pants, and even less getting me off.

"Jesus, you're always right to the point" I pant, gripping her hair in my hands. In situations like this, when we were desperate and wanting, the rules went out the window. We didn't bother with the foreplay, the slow edging or the torturous sweet talk.

This was pure, primal instinct.

"You're always so damn edible" she growls into my ear, leaving hot, open-mouthed kisses down my neck before edging my shirt up and over my head.

"You are insatiable" I laugh, but I'm quickly silenced when she drops to her knees and rips the zipper of my skirt down none too gently.

"Spread 'em" was all she had to say for me to lean all my weight back against the wall and open my legs for her. Like a woman dying of thirst who'd just found water, she delved into me fiercely and ferociously. Her tongue worked my folds over, moving upwards to flick my clit, and it wasn't long before two fingers worked their way into the mix.

Needless to say, it didn't take me long to come. I shook and spasmed with the force of my orgasm, my legs were jello and my heart was racing. I had no time to catch my breath, and Meredith was licking me again. I didn't even have time to prepare myself for this one; climax crashed into me like an oncoming train. It hit me hard, and it hit me dead on.

"Meredith" I panted "what the-" I was confused as she kept on fucking me, a loud moan silencing my question. Every part of my body buzzed and ached in all the best ways. I was so sensitive now it was almost hard to withstand her still between my legs, but I didn't have the willpower to push her away. It felt too good after too long.

"You didn't think I'd forgotten about your punishment, did you?" Her evil smirk told me all I needed to know as orgasm number three ripped mercilessly through me, leaving me shuddering and quivering. I was a good doctor with the steadiest of hands, but had anyone asked me to write my own name in that moment, I wouldn't have been able to get out a decent line.

She pulls me to the bed, where I waste no time flopping down, exhausted now but knowing what's coming my way. I felt boneless, rubbery even. But when she climbed on top of me, I knew there would be no sleeping anytime soon.

"Now, baby girl" she smiles sickly sweet, and kisses me softly on the lips, a groan threatening to make its way through my lips as her leg brushes my over sensitive core. "Where were we?"

It was a long night, but I wouldn't have traded it for the world.

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