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"Merry Christmas baby girl" Meredith kissed me soundly on the lips. Meredith's friends were all out for the holidays staying with their families, which meant we were staying at her place for the night. She had a fire in the fireplace and we'd dragged all kinds of pillows and blankets downstairs to make a cozy nest in front of it.

"Merry Christmas" I smile "I really hope you like your present" it'd taken me awhile to figure out what to get Meredith; she was a minimalist and didn't really have much use for different things.

"I'll love it no matter what it is" she promised with a grin "but you have to open yours first" she hands me a gift wrapped box with a huge red bow on top. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited to open it.

Gently, I tore the wrapping off so it could be saved if need be. Then, I opened the box and nearly cried when I saw what was inside.

"Oh Meredith" I breathlessly said, lifting the present out of the box "oh it's beautiful. I absolutely love it; thank you so much" inside the box, was a bracelet. It was slim and silver, with two little charms hanging off of it. A diamond encrusted A and a matching M. It must've cost her a fortune, but I wasn't focused on the money in that moment. I was focused on the meaning of it, the thought she must've put into it.

"Addie baby, I know it took us a while to get to where we are right now. But we're doing good, we still have some issues to be sorted out, but we have come a long way and I'm happy. I don't tell you enough how happy I am and how much I care about you.  And it isn't just the sex" she seemed slightly flustered, like she wasn't sure how to say what she wanted to say "I like you Addie, I really really like you. I like you, for you. Not for the sex, though the sex is amazing. And I'd really appreciate it if we could go on a real date, one you deserve, because you deserve so much more than late night meet ups and secret conversations at the hospital"

I was stunned. My heart was racing, and I knew my answer would be yes. The feelings I'd been feeling were hers too; and I couldn't begin to explain the rush I got when the words came out of her mouth.

"I would absolutely love to go on a real date with you, Meredith" I swear my face is about to split from the smile across it, but I don't care. "The Journey is rough, but we're here and soon, we'll be even further. I'd love to further it over some dinner. But first, you have to open your gift" I say, passing Mer the gift I'd so delicately wrapped to perfection. I wanted everything to be perfect for her.

"You shouldn't have gotten me anything" Meredith told me kindly "but thank you. It means the world to me that you'd do this" with nimble, surgeons fingers she began to tear the wrapping off the same way I had done; slowly and gently as to not completely destroy the paper.

"That's only one part of it; but don't worry, the second part is kind of like a present for us both" I assure her, as she opens up her present. I'd gotten her a necklace, but I didn't want it to be anything cheesy like a locket or a heart. It was a crescent moon, which seemed silly until it was explained.

"The night we kissed for the very first time, it was a crescent moon" I explain "I remember because I was walking to my car, and I could still feel you on my lips hours later, so I stopped to breathe and gather myself, and I looked up at the sky. It was a crescent moon, and I remember thinking damn, if this isn't the weirdest fucking night"

She laughed and reached over to hold my hand. "I love it, Addie. It's gorgeous"

"That" I smirk "is only half of it. I'll go get the rest" quickly, I pecked her on the lips "I'm glad you like it, though"

I rushed to the bathroom, where I'd discreetly put a bag of mine before we'd opened presents. I had bought brand new lingerie, and usually Meredith and I didn't incorporate lingerie into our sex life, we'd just opted for sexy underwear instead. But, since it was Christmas, I'd decided to splurge and so I went to the mall and went through every rack at Victoria's Secret before finding something I'd liked.

It was a red teddy with a plunging neckline and sheer fabric, with lace lining the edges and spaghetti straps tying it all together. I had the matching underwear that went with it, and some knee high white stockings to add. Just as a joke, I'd also picked up a can of whipped cream to go with it. Plopping a Santa hat on my head, I was on my way to give Meredith her present.

I wasn't nervous in the slightest; I knew how much Meredith enjoyed my body, and I knew she'd enjoy this too. And by the look on her face when I'd come out, she was enjoying her present immensely.

"Come here, baby girl" her voice had dropped an octave, and was a sexy kind of husky. Happily, I complied, and sat down on her lap.

"I figured we could have some Christmas fun" I squirt some of the whipped cream onto my finger and seductively licked it off. I watched as Meredith's eyes followed my tongue and as her breathing got heavier. This was a show. "And your present has just begun" I winked at her, and stood up, going towards my phone where I turned on the music I'd spent hours deciding on.

I really can't stay (but baby it's cold outside)

I swung my hips in time with the music, and did my best to look sexy. Making sure to showcase my long legs, I swung them elegantly in a walk that was almost more of a sway. Biting my lip and making direct eye contact with her, I ran my hands down my body slowly, torturously.

I've got to go away (but baby it's cold outside)

"You got be a strip show for Christmas" Meredith murmured, looking caught between amused and aroused.

This evening has been (been hoping that you'd drop in)

"If there's one thing I know you'd like more than all the presents in the world, it's me dressed like a whore with some whipped cream" I quirk an eyebrow and make a show of spraying the cream on my hand and using the flat of my tongue to lick it up.

So very nice (I'll hold your hands, they're just like ice)

"You're only a whore for me, baby girl" Meredith tells me, leaning forward to look closer at me. Just as she leans in, one of my small hands pushes her back and gets up to sit on her lap, a knee on either side of her in what I can only hope will be a successful lap dance.

My Mother will start to worry (beautiful, what's your hurry?)

"Addison" Meredith gasps, as my hands grab her own and place them on my chest. I lean in and kiss her neck softly, loving every little sound she let out. Meredith didn't usually let me have control, and I usually didn't want it, but tonight was different. For her present, I was the one doing all the work.

My Father will be pacing the floor (listen to the fireplace roar)

"Touch me, Mistress" I moan into her ear, and move her hand underneath my lingerie to touch my bare breast "do whatever you'd like; make me your naughty girl"

So really I'd better scurry (beautiful please don't hurry)

"I want you to see just how wet I am, just from being here with you" I whisper, grinding down onto her lap and watching as her face contorts in a look of pleasure. I lean back, and stand up on my knees so that her face is level with my chest, and slip two of my own fingers inside of me.

But maybe just a half a drink more (put some records on while I pour)

That, apparently, was where Meredith drew the line. She could relinquish her control to some extent, but my fingers in my own cunt while on top of her was something she wouldn't allow. Her slender fingers took my wrist, stopping any movement of the fingers currently imbedded into me.

"I am going to take that whipped cream" she says calmly "and I'm going to cover you with it. Then, I will proceed to lick every drop of it off of you, slowly, until you're shaking and shivering with the effort it takes to keep from putting your fingers back inside. Then, once you're free of the cream, I'll run a bath and wash you down so you're not sticky. I'll let the soft soap run down your back and maybe, just maybe, I'll finger you until you scream over, and over and over"

The neighbours might think (baby, its bad out there)

"Please, Mistress" I say, my voice breathy as my fingers are taken out of me.

"I" she tells me, before kissing me soundly "am going to make you mine"

"Oh, but I already am"

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