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A/N- so this wasn't gonna be the last chapter, but I was writing and this seemed like such a perfect ending. I didn't want this to end, I've got so much planned, so I'm going to do a sequel to this! A short one, just like the length of this one. Idk when it'll be up, but I'm planning on it being soon! Whenever I can make a decent cover. Enjoy the last chapter as MerAdds journey ends here (for now). Thank you for reading and supporting this book, it means so much to me and I'm happy to have written it!

"So you love me, huh?"

The first words out of Meredith's smiling mouth were the ones I'd told her earlier. The ones I meant more than anything else I'd ever said, and the ones I'd continue to mean over and over.

"I think you're alright" I shrug, being fake impartial "I suppose I'll keep you around for a bit"

She laughs, knowing I'm just teasing her. "I'll consider myself lucky if you keep me around"

Seriously now, I pull her into me and kiss her slow, emotion bleeding through my lips in a way that words can't justify. Her small hands move to my waist and hold me tight against her, as if she'd rather die than let me go.

"I'll always want you around" I murmur into her ear softly "always. Even when you're old and gross and you keep turning the TV up too loud because you're deaf" I joke, kissing her ear softly and delicately.

"Baby girl" Meredith smiles, her own fingers working their way under the hem of my shirt to lightly ghost my hips "if we weren't in an on call room right now..." her words trail off as she plants firm kisses to the side of my neck.

"Well then let's leave" I suggest "our shifts are ending in ten minutes anyway, won't take us long to change and get back to the hotel"

Meredith nods, and kisses me once more for good measure.

"I'd like nothing more"


When we got back to the hotel room, it wasn't fast and hard. We didn't rip each others clothes off and fuck until we were sore. It wasn't something we really felt we needed to rush; we'd had sex plenty of times before, but we'd only just confessed our love for the first time.

"I think if I tried hard enough, I could map your entire body, until my fingers and my mouth know every inch of you by memory" Meredith declares. We were laying on the bed, tangled up in a mess of sheets, on our sides looking into one another's eyes. We hadn't done much since we'd acquired this position; just looked at each other and smiled like the idiots in love we had just claimed to be.

"Yeah?" I ask, running my hand through her soft hair "you think you could do that?"

She nods, a single finger gently caressing my bare shoulder. "I could. I could make little roads down your joints and rivers in your veins. I could make valleys in your dips and mountains on your curves. I could do it all, make my own little paradise, all mine. All you, yet, all mine"

I sigh in content, and close my eyes. "All yours"

That's all she needs; in less than a second she's up and straddling me, hands around my body and lips touching mine. Not kissing, just lightly touching while she murmured against me all about her map.

"I think I could put a highway here" fingers ghost down my bicep, stopping at the corner where my elbow was "we could put a truck stop here, and it could keep going to" she touches my palm, gently drawing circles in it "here. This could be an island, one of the twin islands since you've got two hands"

I laugh "Good observation, it would seriously suck if I didn't have those two, now wouldn't it?" She shushes me with a kiss and moves to my shoulders.

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