Chapter 9: Big brother

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Sapphire's POV.

I sighed as I hit the off button on my alarm clock. Another school day.

Last night was a bit tiring but fun. After talking and observing the rabbit for half an hour Kayden and I decided to go home. Luckily, today's a Friday. We cancelled our occasional sleep over because all of us has something to do today. Whether its a project or something our parents wants us to do.

"Honey, breakfast is ready. Go down when you're ready." my mom shouted from downstairs and I quickly got ready for school.

"Where are you going?" I asked mom as I walked down the stairs and saw two luggages. "Business trip for 3 weeks." my dad said.

"We'll be back on a Saturday, Sapphire. Be good alright? Pancakes on the table. Call me or your father. We have to go. Cab's here." my mom added quickly, got her things and headed to the door with my dad.

"Okay, bye. Love you." I said but it was too late. I sighed for the second time this hour. I'm doing a lot of sighing today aren't I? Terrence and I grew up to workaholic parents who always go to business trips. And we're kind of used to it already. The difference today was my brother as well is not here.

Don't get me wrong. We're not super rich or anything. We have just enough for a living.

I grabbed a bottle of water and started eating my pancake. When I was done. I saw that I have twenty munutes left for school and I only walk to and from school. Sometimes, if lucky, getting a ride from Courtney or any of the guys.

I made sure to lock all doors before going out.

As I stepped outside, I spotted Kayden doing the same. I also noticed that, like mine, their driveway is empty. Excluding his car, of course. "Parents away huh?" he smiled.

I forced back a sigh and smiled. "Yeah. I'm kind of used to it by now. Home alone." I tried joking. More like homesick.


I'm homesick in my own home.

"Get in." Kayden said. I looked at my phone and saw that we have fifteen minutes to go to school. I'm too tired to walk anyway so I decided to just go with him.

When we got to school, all heads turned to us. It isn't much of a shocker because we experience this every morning. The only difference today, was that I'm with him. Thank God that the windows are tinted so that the whole school population hasn't seen me yet.

"Can we go back, like, a block from school? Can you just drop me off there?" I asked Kayden nervously.

"We're already here, Sapphire. Why go back?" he said getting his things from the back.

I placed both my hands on my face and groaned. Why can't he understand?! That stunt he pulled yesterday was enough for me to get shoved back and forth through the corridors. Who knows what I'll get if the snobby Kayden-fangirls see me with him get out of his car?

"It's showtime." Kayden smirked while he put on his shades.

"Not for me." I mumbled as he opened his car door and got out. I did the same and watched him put on a show by flipping his hair. He also showed off the biceps underneath his shirt as he slowly lifted and placed his leather jacket on one shoulder.

"You know you're not in a movie or something." I said irritably to break his moment and everyone's trance which seemed to be a bad idea. Everyone turned to look at me and I bowed my head to cover my face but it was too late. They already saw me and knew who I was. Girls glared at me and people started whispering.

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