Checkmate Romanoff

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 To Bargain with a Demon Part 4

LOCATION: League of Assassin's compound high in the mountains 

Tim Drakes POV

Natasha always treated me like a child

(well I am 10 but I'm very mature for my age)

And usually I would do as I'm told, but I know I can help I cant just sit here and do nothing and feel useless.

Firstly I needed to signal for some more help we can't fight the league alone,

I hide in the ceiling tiles I explore the dusty ventilation system avoiding an army of spider webs until I find a control room of sort there is one assassin down there typing away on a computer completely unaware of my looming presence.

I leap out of my hiding spot in the ceiling, silently pick up a nearby metal pole and hit the assassin over the head hard which knocks him out cold.

I hack into the computer that the assassin was working on and after a bit of exploring on the communications network I'm able to work out that they are digging for a Lazarus Pit as readings from the ground where this building sits are off the charts,

Ras had somehow come to the conclusion that this was due to the fact that there was a brand new Lazarus Pit far underground I wasn't an expert on these pits but I knew they were bad news.

We need some extra help I don't care what Black Widow says we need some backup I log into their communications system and send a message to the Bat cave requesting assistance

I use a secret code only Barbra and I know and to be safe as soon as the transmission is sent I wipe my activity from the system,

But I'm too late to react when I feel somebody grab me from behind and suddenly the room goes black and it gets hard to breath when a sack is put over my head.

Natasha's POV

I begin collecting equipment to make a bomb some explosives and a detonator when all of a sudden we are all called back to the main digging room my the hair on my arms stand up my Widows instinct is high on high alert something is wrong I know it.

I hide the device in a very well hidden location and join the line of assassins that walk into the digging room

When I get there is see Ras, Talia and Obu straight away on the tall stage and Ras does not look happy.

I try to look not as anxious as I was feeling

"I have troubled news men we have an imposter amongst us" Ras tells the crowd,


Everyone begins whispering at their surprise,

Ras looks around the room at each of the assassins carefully as if looking for the imposter

"Detective I suggest that you reveal yourself now before I am forced to harm your young ward" and with that Obu drags out a struggling Tim

"Wait Ras!" I am forced to speak up everyone looks at me as I walk towards the platform where they have Tim.

I pull off my mask and my very recognizable bright red hair falls out I can hear exclaims of surprise at me being a woman,

Funny that I think to myself ironically.

Some nearby assassins tackle me painfully to the ground I hear a crunch as my jaw hits the pavement "No don't hurt her bring her to me" Ras orders his men as I am dragged up the stairs and my knees are kicked out so I'm in a kneeling position

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