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Killian's POV
I'm sick and I bloody hate it! I'm trapped in my and Emma's bedroom sitting here doing nothing. Emma comes in occasionally but I can't go near her. MY LIFE SUCKS! Two weeks I've been like this. And the worse part is I have to do everything by myself. Emma's working with no breaks and Henry has school. So I'm my own caretaker. But, I called Dave and he said that he will give emma a day off so she can spend time with me. Well I doubt he would do it for that reason, but he said something about her deserving a break but I paid no attention whatsoever to his endless talking. Anyway, emma has been sleeping on the couch so she won't get sick, per my request, and she is still sleeping so when she wakes up I can seriously milk this flu.

--1 hour later--

"Morning babe." Emma says finally walking in our room. "Hey luv." "How ya feeling?" She asks sitting at the foot of the bed rubbing my leg. "I could be better." I say dramatically as always. This causes her to chuckle and move closer towards me. "Whoa whoa whoa swan you're gonna get sick." I say when she cups my cheeks and leans out foreheads together. She looks at my lips. I swallow, loudly I might add. "I don't care." She says connecting our lips in a sweet slow kiss. I kiss back. God two weeks is too long to go without kisses from my swan. "I love you swan." I say as we pull away. "I love you too, Jones." She says. She kisses me again and then goes and tries to make me feel better. Little did she know that just her being here was enough medicine for me.

--4 days later--

I'm all better now but emma caught my flu from our little kiss. I knew it was a bad idea. But, NO! Who would wanna listen to the pirate. Anyway I'm taking care of her with no kisses so this process won't start all over again. I swear to god whoever created that bloody curse that allows us to be sick is gonna get some hook in their skull. And I'm not joking.

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