Get to you

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Background: Killian and Emma aren't together yet and they're hanging out. Emma learns he could sing asks him to sing.

Emma's pov
I was hanging at granny's until hook walked in. My eyes widen at his wardrobe change. He looks... hot! He's wearing a brown leather jacket, a blue T-shirt and jeans. It sorta turned me on.

I feel that feeling of love i've had since we met boiling up to the surface when he smiles at me. I don't know why but he always has this effect on me. And that scares the crap out of me.

Don't let that last bit fall em. Come on you got this. I decided to leave or I might as well scream out, "I'M IN LOVE WITH CAPTAIN HOOK!" But thank God I don't.

I get up grab my cocoa and he walks up to me.

"Hey swan!"  He smiles at me. I slightly smile back.

Holy shit my heart's fluttering. Stop it emma stay strong.

"Hey!" I say a little too enthusiastically. His eyebrow raises in confusion. Wow emma! Good job trying too hard. I think.

"Are you ok love?" He asks with concern. Crap! My heart flutters again when he calls me love. Why the hell does he do this to me.

"Psh yes." I say. He smiles slightly and my knees go weak and I fall on the table knocking everything off of it. All the eyes were on me. Killian helps me up immediately.
(Btw this is my inspo pic for this scene)

 (Btw this is my inspo pic for this scene)

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"Thanks." I smile.

"I gotta go back to the station my dad's probably wondering where I was for the past hour."

"Kay, bye swan." He grins. I walk out and slap my forehead. Really! Why did I have to be such a spaz! I walk to the station and sit at my desk.

My phone starts ringing.

"Sheriff swan," I start.

"Sheriff I need help!"

"What's your name?"

"Uhh, colin... O'Donoghue?" He says unsure. But I shake it off.

"Where are you?"

"Granny's room 511."

"On my way." I hang up. The person on the phone sounded familiar. But I don't know the name. Colin O'Donoghue. That's a pretty nice name. Nice and kinda hot. Back to the case. I go to the room and knock on the door and saw a face I didn't expect eat to see.

"Killian," I sigh, "where's Colin O'Donoghue. He said he was in room 5- ohhhhh. You called me pretending to be someone else." He nods.


"And you want me here because..." I trail off.

"Swan I sensed you were stressed about something. Like you were having an internal battle. So I thought you needed the help of a friend." He smiled. I smiled. I was about to open my mouth when he continued. "And if I just called you you wouldn't have come." He can read my freaking mind.

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