Daddy can you pass me the salt?

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Requested by: Chara1211

Merry (late) Christmas everyone who celebrated it!! And happy (late) Hanukkah to those who celebrate!! And btw this is what the captain swan daughter looks like:

Merry (late) Christmas everyone who celebrated it!! And happy (late) Hanukkah to those who celebrate!! And btw this is what the captain swan daughter looks like:

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A/N Killians hand is back and robin is alive.

Emma's  pov

IT'S CHRISTMAS!!! And all of my family are coming over to celebrate. Killian and I welcomed a daughter four years ago and she is a total daddy's girl. We opened presents this morning and we or Santa got her a Disney Captain Hook doll.

"Swan, why did you have to get her that for Christmas?" Killian complains.

"What can I say? She's always been a little daddy's girl..." I start standing up with our sleeping daughter, maya, in my arms clutching her doll. I walk around the couch and lean down in Killians ear, "So am I." I whisper smirking.

I see both his eyebrows raise in realization of my comment.

"Dirty swan!" He laughs. I giggle and bring her upstairs for her nap before her grandparents and aunts and uncles get here.

When I come downstairs I sit on the couch with my handsome husband watching The Family Stone. when the end credits came on I started to hear a soft snore. I smiled.

"Wake up." I whisper in a soft voice in his ear planing soft kisses on his light stubble. He groans and opens an eye.

"Just give me one reason why." He states. I roll my eyes.

"Um my parents and Regina and robin and Zelena are coming over for Christmas dinner tonight." I say as if it were obvious. "Now get the hell up!"

"Fine!" He whines like a two year old.

"Set the table please?" I smile sweetly pointing to the empty dining room table. He nods sleepily coming over to give me a kiss before I stop him. "Nuh Uh Uh. Not until you set up the table mister." He groans and sets the table as I get up and finish dinner.

"Swan can I go lay down now?" He asks taking heavy steps to get to the kitchen after setting the table.

"Yes." I smile. He sighs happily.

"Daddy?" Maya says in a soft voice holding her hook doll.

"Yes Love?" He bends down to her level trying to stay awake.

"I want to way down wif you." She rubs her eyes. Killian picks her up and takes We o the couch where they both fall asleep.

When dinner is made and I got dressed my big kid and little kid need to wake up and get dressed.

"Come on you two everyone will be here soon." I say clapping my hands.

"I'm up! I'm up!" Maya raises her hands and his upstairs to change.

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