Stupid, stupid, PTA

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Emma decided that her and Killian are gonna join Henry's pta. God knows why. They were at a meeting just talking about ideas for the school. Killian was bored out of his mind. Emma was pregnant and her hormones were through the roof.

"I brought brownies everyone!" Helen squeals carrying in the tray. Killian's eyes widened. He was so hungry. He licked his lips staring at the brownies on the table not realizing the conversation going on between his pregnant wife and the leader.

Emma was so tired and angry at the world that she had no patience for these stupid perky moms.

"How about we add a nice little comment jar!" A mom squealed clapping her hands.

"Oh hell no!" Emma screams cringing at the thought. That's SO stupid I swear to god! Emma thinks rubbing her head and baby bump.

"Excuse me Mrs. Jones, we don't use that language here." Another woman corrects her.

Emma immediately scoffs.

Killians attention comes back in the conversation.

"I think it's a freaking horrible idea. A comment jar, more like an open invitation to crumble the life of kids. Trust me it's a horrible idea." Emma comes back.

"Ok well we've decided to do the jar." The lady says. Emma scoffs again and closes her eyes. "All in favor for the comment jar say 'Aye'." Everyone But emma and Killian said Aye. "All in favor for no comment jar?" Emma says aye but Killian is still staring at the brownies. Emma hits his arm and he says aye.

"Whatever," emma stands up, "I'm just gonna go home with my husband and eat some tacos and after 'dinner' I will make sure to compliment everyone in my house, including my husband. I'm done with this crap." Emma states standing with her hands on her hips. Killian chuckles at her statement.

All of the moms gasp. "Mrs.Jones that is very inappropriate." A mom says standing up when she figured out what Emma meant.

"Wanna know what's inappropriate? This is inappropriate!!" Emma picks up the tray of brownies and throws them across the room.

"Aww come on Swan! What did the brownies ever do to you?" Killian whined. Emma glared at him.

"Jones let's go!" Emma screams walking out of the school.

"Sorry about her." Killian apologizes.

"Jones now or no more tacos."

"Sorry gotta go." Killian walks out catching up with his wife.

"I'm so mean!" Emma says walking in the house and sitting on the couch.

"No you're not swan." Killian kneels in front of her rubbing her face.

"I suck and I'm ugly!" She screams.

"No you don't swan. You are an amazing, gorgeous person that I'm happy to call mine." Emma smiles sadly.

"If I can't handle these moms then how am I supposed to deal with the new moms when little Jones comes along?" She asks rubbing her very small bump.

"You will be a bloody amazing mom. You will love our baby with all your heart I know you." He kisses Emma's lips than bump. "And daddy loves you too, little love." He whispers to the baby.

"They can't hear you." Emma giggles.

"So what they need to get used to their dashing father's voice." Killian smirks. Killian goes on talking to the baby. Emma was caressing his cheek and pushing his hair out of his face.

He finally finished. "Swan I'm famished." He states laying his head on her lap. She smiles and runs her fingers through his hair.

"You want tacos still?" She raises her eyebrow.

"Ummmm," He starts wasting her time.

"How bloody Long does it take to make that decision?!" She asks.

"Sure why not." He replies. Suddenly Killian no longer felt Emma's legs holding up his head as she struts up the stairs and he followed.

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