Family beach day

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Requested by @tiggerd760

Background: henry and his family in the other realm decide to pay a visit to storybrooke.

Emma's pov
I was sitting on the couch braiding Leia's, my and Killian's daughter, hair for when we head to my parents house today. . 

The love of my life runs down the stairs and kisses both of our heads. "Morning loves." He smiles.

"Sup daddy!" Leia squeals.

"I'll get it."Killian states when we hear a knock on the door. He walks towards the door as I finish leia's braid.

"Woah! Bloody hell isn't this a sight for sore eyes!" I was intrigued by his comment so I walked to the door and my mouth drops to the floor.

"Henry!" I sigh in relief and hugging him after he hugs Killian.

"I missed ya kid!"

"I missed you too mom." We pull out of the hug. "You know Ella, right?" I nod and notice a little girl, about 10, standing next to her.

"Nice to see you again Ella." I smile wrapping my arm around Killians waist.

"Who's this little lass?" Killian asks motioning towards the little girl holding on to Henry's hand.

"Mom, Dad, this is our daughter Lucy." She smiles at us.

"Hi grandma and grandpa!" She greets smiling. She hugs us both and it just made me feel happy.

"I'm too young to be a grandpa!" Killian whines. We all laugh.

"Honey your 300 years old. I think you're fine." I rub his back.

"Mommy my bwaid got messed up." Leia sulks in with her hair all messed up. "Who are you?" She asks Henry with her arms crossed.

"He's your big brother love. Leia meet Henry." Killian says bending down to her level slightly scooting her towards her big brother. They high five and laugh as everyone else is introduced and we catch up a bit ( I also fixed her hair). When Leia found out she was an aunt she was quite surprised.

"We're actually not the only ones back. We have a surprise for you guys, well mostly dad." Henry states holding his wife's hand.

"Well I like the sound of that! Perhaps we should stop by your grandparents to see them. We were actually just about to head there." Killian suggests. We all nod and head to my parents house.

When we get there we all catch up more. I smile at my now bigger family. Leia was attached to her father as always. Now 12 year old Neal is catching up with Henry over video games. My mother and I  are getting to know Ella. And my father is looking through Lucy's book with her.

We were all happy and talking when there was a knock on the door.

"Oh my god!" I hear my father sigh happily as he exits the loft where I heard laughing. "Hey hook come over here!" Killian stands up and goes outside.

"Bloody hell!" He laughs also exiting. The rest of us were interested except for Henry and Ella who were looking at each other with big smiles on their faces. When I get to the door I see a familiar face.

"Robin?" I ask in disbelief seeing the thief next to regina with his arm wrapped around her waist.

"In the flesh." He smiles. After many bro hugs and greetings we all decided to go to the beach. 

We split up to get dressed and have a fun family day at the beach.

I put on my light pink bikini, a light pink beach dress to go over it, and beige wedges. My nails were already done and I braided my hair back in two mini buns(bad at explanations look at picture).

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