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WARNING: Wicked Gold (Zelena and Rumple) are a thing in this ff. Robin is alive. Henry came back with Emma and Killian and brought Cinderella (she is pregnant with Lucy) Christmas One shot. (SORRY FOR STUPID KID NAMES)


Emma's POV

I've been living in Storybrooke for 8 years now and my family (basically the whole town) and i have never had time to celebrate Christmas. Now we finally have time. It's been about 10 months since Killian, Regina and I brought Henry back from his "story". He brought his new girlfriend Jacinda, or formally known in the other world as Cinderella. I was in the middle of getting used to Violet when Henry broke things off with her, So i'm still trying to get used to the whole new girlfriend thing.

I gave birth to our baby Jones, named Leia Eva Jones. She has blonde hair like me and beautiful sea blue eyes just like her father. Speaking of her father, She is a total Daddy's girl. Even though she's only a few months old you can so tell. Killian got his hand back for the safety of our child. He didn't get rid of it. He keeps it in the closet as memorabilia or something.

Belle sadly passed away from a villain attack about 11 months ago. We were all devastated. Especially Rumple. He has had a lot of support from the town. Surprisingly Zelena the most. Since last month i've seen Rumple and Zelena being all lovey. Well Christmas is coming up and they are both invited so we'll see what happens.

My parents are pregnant AGAIN. My mom is about 3 months along. Baby Neal is now 3. He is so cute with dirty blonde cut exactly cut like my father's (per his request) and He has blue eyes. Basically a carbon copy of my father.

Regina brought Robin back a week after we brought henry back. Then a week later she announced that they were pregnant. She gave birth to twins, a baby girl named Lana Maria Locksley. She has raven hair like her mother and blue eyes like her father, and a baby boy, Sean John Locksley, he has his father's brown hair and his mother's brown eyes.

Zelena changed Baby Robin's name to Rebecca, Bex for short seeing as Robin's back and it will be difficult with two of them. Bex is 2 and is a total daddy's girl whenever she sees her dad. She spends most time With Zelena though. She has orange hair and blue eyes..

It's finally Christmas so everyone will be coming over to my and Killian's place for presents and a nice Christmas dinner. I'm cooking sadly. I hate cooking. But Killian DEFINITELY can't cook so I'm the last resort. But thank god I don't have to cook it all. Regina is cooking dessert. No apples hopefully. Jacinda is bringing some fried chicken. I know it's weird to have at a Christmas dinner but then again my whole family is weird. I'm supplying grilled cheese and onion rings (from granny's of course). Gold is bringing... himself I guess. Zelena is bringing desserts as well. My mom is handling hot cocoa and other drinks.
I'm really excited to give Killian his gift I think he'll love it. I wake up and Killian is not laying next to me. "Babe?" I call out ever so slightly. I get up and hear noises coming towards Leia's room. I walk up to the cracked open door and see Killian holding our baby and making silly faces. I feel my heart skip a beat. He is an amazing father. I love him so much. He is amazing with the baby. I touch my stomach. I rub it and smile. I'm tired so I go back to the bed and wait for Killian to come back. About 5 minutes later Killian snuck in the room trying not to wake me. "Hey there captain." I say smiling.

"Hey swan." He smiles back widely. He lays back down and wraps his hands around my stomach. This is the life.

An hour later it was about 7 o'clock. I went and checked Henry's room. He was laying in the bed and jacinda laying next to him. I slight smile and close the door. I feel strong arms around me. I smile and melt into killian's body. We go downstairs and start prepping our portion of dinner.

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