Donald J. Trump

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Ok just prepare yourselves this isn't exactly the best one shot BUT  I kinda like the story line.
Enjoy!! 😊

Leroy's POV
I was driving back from the forest when I saw a black long car, a limo, pull into storybrooke. I freaked out. The car broke down so that gave me time to go find Emma and tell her whats happening.
Emma's POV
I just woke up and layed in bed snuggling up to killian. I then heard a knock on the door. I ignored it and stayed in bed snuggling closer to my pirate.

The knocking got louder and I didn't want to wake Killian up so i slipped out of bed and put a pillow where i was laying.

I walked downstairs and opened the door. I see leroy standing there. I sigh. "Whats up Leroy?" i ask.

"Sorry sister i just wanted to say that there's a new person in town and they're in a limo. They aren't from storybrooke and their car broke down. So we have time to warn the town." i nod.

"Yeah uh just let me get ready and we'll meet you there as soon as we can. Gather everyone in town hall." i say.

"Ok see you soon sister." i say goodbye and close the door. I wave my hand and change.

I go upstairs to wake Killian. I rub his over grown hair out of his eyes and kiss his cheek. "Wake up." i whisper. He stirs and opens one eye.

"But swan you don't get it's like 5 in the morning." he whines.

"Oh, no, honey it's 9:30 and we need to meet the town we have an unwanted visitor." he groans.

"fine!" he says throwing his arms in the air giving up. He gets up and i wave my hand changing him into his jeans, shirt, vest, and jacket. He looks at me confused.

"We have to be there like now." I quickly flash us to town hall.

Everyone is already there and i signal regina, zelena, and gold to talk.

"Ok guys, so we have a new unwanted visitor who we believe lives in a land without magic. So we need to keep this town as normal as possible, not our normal, but actual people normal. No talking about our journeys to neverland or the underworld or anything like that." they all nod and i go to the rest of the town to explain.

"Ok so you might have heard about our unwanted guest, so if you didn't well we have an unwanted guest," i say and they all laugh, "well we need to act normal, any magical things you own will be put away until we get these people out." they all are silent and some nodding in agreement. I take it as they all understand and they start to head out.

Killian takes my hand and starts to lead me back to our house but I stop him.

"What's wrong swan? Oh and I forgot to say nice speech." I smile.

"Thank you, and your hook we need to do something about that." I say and grab his hook.

"Ah, but swan the crocodile has my hand." He says wincing at the thought of gold.

"About that i kinda stole it." I say flashing it in my hand. He raises an eyebrow at me. I wave my hand again and his hook is in the jar. He looks at his hand with a smile on his face.

"I love you swan."

"I love you too Jones." I say and kiss him.

We head to granny's for lunch. I order my grilled cheese with onion rings, Killian got his burger and fries and we both got rum his idea not mine.

I hear the bell jingle over the door. I have my back facing it. I don't bother turning around because I was too busy inhaling my cheesy grilled cheese to care.

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