Chapter One

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Say do you find school interesting? Does it really push you to your limits to fulfil the heartache of whether it being the king or queen of prom, getting into a good university that would be your foundation towards your future job or finding your other half to start a family?

For me? Nah. School life is the same as my social life. Zero. Totally nonexistent. Zilch.

I can't even say that I'm the cliché quiet nerd who gets constantly bullied for being so insignificant to the social status chain. I am like a literal ghost. No one knows who I am or even knows that I exist. Well besides the teachers but that's not the point. Sometimes I'd think so low to the point of me wanting to get bullied so I could be noticed. 

I know, shameful right?

To be fair, I don't stand out so there would be no point of targeting me. No one gets bullied at Divitiae High and for those who don't do Latin, divitiae means wealth. My entire damn school is full of rich kids who basically suck off their parent's life earnings in hopes to be spoon fed for the rest of their lives. 

I for one, am not rich. 

Oh no, I happen to be an honour student who made it into this school through a test.

Why go through the trouble of doing a test that was bloody hard you ask? Well they say that if a person comes out from Divitiae High, they get multiple openings from many prestigious universities, regardless of talent or intelligence. Initially I hated the idea of how easily it was for the rich to simply pay their way into a degree that they won't even need but then I did a little research and found out that someone who got into the school from an entrance exam was still able to get into a degree with no sweat even though they weren't rich. So of course I gave it my all by studying my ass off, not to mention that the entrance exam was rumoured to being so hard that people who got one correct answer was able to make it through because everyone else got a fat doughnut on their test.

They were lying. I passed the test with flying colours. I don't understand what the big deal is about. Maybe they wanted to scare people off? 

I don't know but regardless my life is boring.

Strolling down my street back home was probably the most exciting thing that has happened today. I'm just can't wait to get home and take a very long nap on my subpar mattress. I don't even bother taking out my keys because I'm well aware that my parents have a bad habit of not locking the front doors.

It's not that people steal from us which makes the family not rich, it's because my parents are constantly flashing money on expensive gifts or going on spontaneous trips without me. I could care less if they took me or not. I just wanted to find a sole purpose in life and like every growing child transitioning to adulthood.

I haven't found it yet.

Once I get to my room, I drop my bag at my feet and my face crashes down onto the mattress, just missing a few centimetres from my pillow. The squeakiness from the springs in the mattress could even alarm a deaf person that my bed was on the verge of breaking apart before the termites could have a meal.

Turning onto my backside, I close my eyes in hopes that I could feel my mind running off to La La Land but it wasn't working. Tossing and turning to get into a better position, I immediately stop the moment I heard a loud crack. Well there goes my secret stash of junk food. I groan and roll out of bed and lift up my mattress and see that my plastic container cracked in half.

That's just great. I just replaced the only container left in the house two days ago. Now I'm going to have to change my clothes and go out to buy a whole lot more containers. The only reason why I have a secret compartment for my junk food is so that I won't have to walk downstairs in the middle of the night and not have to waste minutes on figuring out if I was holding a packet of chips or a bag of cut-up fruit.

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