Chapter Two

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When Dante released me from our hug, the other guys gave me a pat on the back to welcome me as their new work mate. I didn't know what to think of it but if I was going to pay off that vase, I had no choice but to work hard and keep my real identity under wraps.

I felt my pocket vibrate so I took my phone out and saw that I got a new message from my mum. I clicked on it and read her message.

[4:30pm] Mum: Y/N where are you? Why aren't you home yet?

[4:30pm] Y/N: I went out and somehow got myself a job. Is everything okay?

[4:30pm] Mum: That's great! Looks like you're independent enough to move out. 

[4:31pm] Mum: Your father and I have decided to sell the house and travel around the world.

[4:31pm] Y/N: Are you serious right now? Tell me you're bluffing.   

[4:31pm] Mum: The house is being sold by tomorrow morning so grab your belongings by tonight. Have fun darling.

I was completely frozen. Sure the house wasn't the best condition of any kind of residence a person wanted but for my parents to leave me alone with no place to go, I was flabbergasted. I didn't have any friends or relatives that I could depend on for the time being. Someone's hand came into contact of my shoulder which forcefully got my attention. 

"Y/N are you alright? Your face turned pale the moment you took out your phone." Kane said as he had a glint of worry appeared in his eyes. I sighed and shook my head. I thought that I would be able to keep up with my parent's spontaneous disappearance but this was too far. 

I passed Kane my phone and rubbed my temples. I could feel a migraine coming and I wasn't in the mood to find a place to sleep for the night. Kane passed the phone around to the other guys as I walked over to one of the couches to take a breather. 

How could my parents do this to me? What gave them the right to leave me at a crucial moment of my life? I was in debt to these guys that attend at my school for ten million dollars because of some vase that I had accidently broken. I have never raised my voice at them once at their actions had ever affected on me but this was the worst deed that they have ever thrown at my direction.

I couldn't live on the streets, I can barely pay for lunch let alone my student fees for this year.

"Here, take it." The couch dipped and it was Zander who had my phone in one hand and a cup of water in the other. Never did I imagine Zander Rye who never spoke more than one word in class to be so generous to a person like me. Maybe I should get to know him before being superficial.

"Thank you Zander." I placed my phone into my pocket and took a gulp of the water down my throat. I held the empty glass in my two hands and felt how utterly useless I looked right now to the guys. 

I stood up and handed back the glass to Zander. Passing by him, he grabbed my arm and pointed towards the other five guys who were coming our way. I couldn't figure out why Zander had stopped me but I knew enough to wait for the others to inform to me about something before bolting to the house that was getting sold tomorrow without my say in anything. 

"Y/N, we are so sorry about the turn of events that have been bestowed upon you." Hank said before Hawk finishing off his brother's sentence, "but we'd like to make you an offer that we believe you'll take in a heartbeat."

"Would you like to live with us? We have a spare room upstairs that hasn't had an owner since we got this place. So what do you say?" Ryker's words caught my tongue. They barely knew me as a person besides being the honour student that was too reserved and quiet and they were nice enough to open their arms to my lack of residence.

The Host Who Has A Secret (Normilly/You G!P) [REWORK IN PROGRESS]Where stories live. Discover now