Chapter 2: Jason

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Three weeks had passed since Dean's first day at our school. He was not talking to anybody, staying alone in his corner. Everyday, the students were talking about him. He was on everyone's lips. The girls were spreading their shared interest for his mysterious personality and "his beautiful muscles" while the guys were starting to hate him in silence for, without noticing it, stealing their girlfriends. Rumours were running among the groups about his past or the reason he was always wearing jeans (I know...Why that question?). Everybody was running around, asking every teacher if they knew something about him. Let's say it didn't take long before they went with the flow as well.

I was probably the only (in)sane person in this school who was trying to know the real Dean. We had two class together: martial arts and French. Every time I was seeing him, I tried to a engage the conversation and every time he was telling me to shut up and leave him alone. I agreed after a couple of angry responses, but my "intelligent" service dog decided it would be done another way. I think he liked him even though it was only a one way relationship. Anyway, each time Jet was seeing Dean, he was getting off of his leash, running towards him and jumping on "his best friend". He even made him fall a couple of times. He was sixty pounds of muscles after all. Dean was always yelling at me to take it off him. And, of course, the whole hallway would be looking at us.

This time was different though. It was the Welcome Party. You know the kind that regroup every student in the same area (here the football court) to celebrate with a popular band, alcohol and nice shows? Well it was totally like that. I went outside directly after my last class, grabbing my friends on the road. Talking, we head up to the big stage that stood up in the middle of the court. The music started and a giant scream came from the crowd. Everybody was cheering. I remembered vaguely, between two glasses of beer, grabbing my best friend, Jamie, by her hips when a salsa came on. Laughing, she accepted my invitation. We danced together for two or three songs before a slow began. 

-So, passing a good time? she asked me while circling my neck with her arms.

-Let me think...

Her hand hit my head.

-I was going to say yes!

-Yah, right...but, seriously, how do you feel? 

I smiled. The big sister Jamie was here again. Worrying about her little brother. Not that she was part of my family, but I have always considered her like it. 

-Good...It's been better since I have Jet. 

-Happy to hear that.... but why did you left him at home?

-I did not. He was with me all day.

-Well, I hadn't seen him tonight. You sure you....

Panic started running through my veins as I whistled and heard no barking in response. This could not be happening.... There was about a thousand people around me. I whistled again. Nothing...Nothing. Jamie must have seen something was wrong because she grabbed my shoulders to capt my attention.

-Jason, don't panic, okay? He is probably close and we don't see him. 

- He would answer back....He...

My voice started to feel shaky.

- Okay, where did you see him for the last time?

-You are really asking?

-Sorry....Wrong formulation....Forget what I just said. What do you say about we search the crowd?

-There are too many people..... We will not find him...

- Hey, we will, she assured, calm. Start on your side. I'm gonna grab the others and we will separate.

Taking a deep breath, I shook my head. Jamie and I separated. I don't know how long I searched in the crowd, whistling, wishing Jet would bark before he actually did. Reassured, I ran towards him and laid at his height to cuddle him. 

-Don't do that again, buddy, I asked him.

- Wouf!

-What are you doing here? I asked him, realizing no one was near us.

As a response, he grabbed my sleeve in his mouth and brought me inside. The unique echo created by my feet made me realize we were in the gym. Although I couldn't see anybody, I could hear the almost imperceptible sound of someone searching for his air. I asked my dog to show me who he had found. I should have figured to who he would bring me. Jet approached Dean and hit him gently with his nose. 

-How many times would I have to tell you to leave me alone! Dean yelled at the dog. 

-He will continue until you stop worrying, I explained.

-And who tells you I am?

His voice was low and shaky. I could feel the pain hidden under it. I bent down at his height. He was sitting on the floor, alone in the dark. So, something was definitely wrong. 

-Are you alright?

-You really are like your dog, huh? Never abandoning...

-No, seriously, Jet only goes to a person who truly needs him. So, are you okay?

He laughed. A dark one. He choked in the middle of it. Jet barked at me. Realizing what was happening to him, I whistle twice, giving my dog the permission to be pet by someone else than me. Jet found his way between Dean's arm who tried to push him away. Jet responded by licking his face.

-Call him back..., he begged me.

I ignored him and let Jet comfort him. Incapable of keeping rejecting Jet, Dean started to laugh. It was brighter and lighter this time. He started to pet my dog.

-Feeling better? I asked the newbie with a smile.

-There you are! yelled a feminine voice behind me. I've looked for you everywhere.

She passed beside me without even noticing my presence. 

-What the hell are you doing here? And with a dog?

-He is mine, I replied at his place. 

-I wasn't talking to you, she replied coldly.

I raised my hands in the air. I called back my dog who joyfully joined me.

-Why would you even panic? You know exactly why I got out of that stupid crowd. 

-It's not a reason not to tell me where you are going!

-Really? Cauz I find searching for your air a good one!

-I think I'm gonna go, I said, taking a few steps backwards.

-No, you won't, they ordered me simultanitly. 

I stopped.

-You know it could have been worse than that, she reminded him. Never do that again.

-Yes m'dam.

-Don't call me like that, you know I hate it. 

Suddenly remembering my presence, the girl turned to me.

-Who are you?

-Jason, replied Dean for me.

-Like the Jason who beat you in combat? she asked Dean.

-Yeah...., I answered, glancing at Dean, not sure where she was going with this. 

-Now, I can totally understand why, she said. So, Jason, how many times are you training a week?

-Seriously? Dean asked her, discouraged. 

-What? You can't say he's neither in good shape or cute.

-Are you seriously flirting with him?

-No. I just find it funny when he's blushing, she replied while getting out. You' comin?

-Like you're giving me a choice, he replied as he followed her.

They got out, leaving me alone in the building.

-What the hell just happened? I asked myself, confused.

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