Chapter 18: Dean

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Eight years later....

I turned to the host of the talk show, Melissa. She was sitting in the chair opposing of mine, back to the left side of the audience.

-Wow.... That is quite a story....

-Yeah.... You can say so, I laughed.

-If you don't mind we have people on our facebook page that have questions for you.

-Sure! I answered.

-Okay, so the first question is: Have you ever thought about doing it again?

-Well, yes.... I would be lying saying otherwise... I just never went that far again...

-Ok... second question.....Are you single?

I laughed.

-Can I say it is complicated?

-How so? She asked back.

-ok...hum...I don't see anybody, but...

-You have someone in the way....


It was her turn to laugh.

-We will come back on this later, she promised to the camera. Last question before the break...What exactly happened on that day? I mean, according to your book and what you told us, it took an unexpected turn!

My smile disappeared. Such a simple question with such a complicated answer. Instinctively, I bit my lower lip. My mind was racing. I didn't have time to think further, a giant ball of fur jumped on me, licking my face. I laughed and put the pet back on the ground. I pet him, smiling.

-What are you doing here? I asked the dog. eh? Little stupid shepherd? What are you doing here?

-You know the dog? Melissa asked me, starting to pet him as well.


-He is so cute!

-Are you talking about the dog or the owner? I answered, raising my gaze on the familiar face beside the camera.

-It depends who you are talking about, she answered.

I only smiled. Jason's face turned red as expected. I got down from my chair and sat beside Jet who laid down on my knees.

-Anyway, to answer your question....

-Oh forget about that, you are not obligated to answer it if you don't want to.

-No, it's fine, I quickly replied. I just didn't know how to start...So... need to know that as soon as he started talking that day, I would never have done it...


-Yes...I would never have done it because I realized something: when I stole his pills for my second attempt... he was still at home with me.....and....I actually waited until I was alone to do it....same thing at the institute... he was there, the same time ..... and I realized at that moment that I could have done it there....I had everything that I needed... I had a pen in my bedroom; I could have done it there...without anybody looking...but I was looking forward everyday for the moment when he would come and just sit on the other side of the door and talk to me.... I was looking forward to actually receive the new assignment under the door..... not that I ever did them, but still...I realized it was the reason I was still alive and pointing a gun at my best friend....and when he armed the weapon, I realized that I was grounding him and he was grounding me... so when he pulled the trigger I pulled the gun up so he would actually shoot the sky and not him or me....

- Why? I mean: I get the grounding part....

-The reason I was alive is because he was and vice versa....

Melissa looked at me, speechless. She shook her head and turned to the camera.

-That's all for now, guys. Don't go too far, we'll be back after a short break!

As soon as the crew started moving around, I got up and walked to Jason who was looking at the ground.

-What are you doing here? I asked him, hugging him.

- Heard you were in town for a talk show and thought it would be nice to see you after....what 8 years? I just never thought Jet would run for you after all this time, sorry.

-No problem, I laughed. He was actually helpful.

An awkward silence installed itself between us.

-Okay....Sorry about that, but it has been bothering me since the beginning. Undo your tie.


-Oh and just come here, he said before undoing my tie.

He started tieing it again. Correctly this time.

-You can see, I realized.

-Yeah... not for long but yeah.... I already lost back 50% of my left eye since the surgery.

Well that sure looks better!

I smiled.

-That is actually why I am here... I am starting the training with another dog considering Jet will be too old by the time I will actually need him again. So....

-You want me to take him?

-Well.... He loves you and he still can help.... You could bring him on sets like this and.... Look it is a lot.....I have not seen you in eight years and you probably.....

-I'll be glad to, but only if you visit him more often than every eight years.


-Back in one minute, told me a PA.

-Hum... before you go..., Jason started, is it true what you said? About the white code.... You would not have done it?

I smiled at him.

-Thirty seconds!

-What do you think? I asked back before going back on the stage.

I was about to climb the first stair when he stopped me. I turned around. I didn't have time to talk. His lips entered in contact with mine. The kiss was soft and fragile in its own way, showing all his vulnerability. I was the first to break it. Smiling, I passed a finger on my lips.

-Well, that was rather unexpected, I joked.

-Oh my god.... I am sorry...hum...It was totally... Oh my god...

I laughed.

-Whoo...hum that... that's not why I pulled out of it, I assured. It was actually kind of...amazing.

By the look on his face, he still hadn't catched up on what was happening.

-Well, Dean! That is what I call an entrance. What do you think, ladies and gentlemen at home? said Melissa besides us at the camera.

-That's why, I whispered.

-I just kissed you....on national television..., he realized.

-Yep..and we are live, I answered. So that is approximately what....? 16 millions of viewers?

-It is not helping.

I didn't add anything. I just walked closer and pulled him towards me for another kiss as the audience cheered around us.  

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