Chapter 11: Jason

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As soon as I felt better, I brought them to my favorite place to thank them. They were kind of surprised when I told them to wear a cocktail apparel and the surprise was even bigger when I brought them to the biggest and most expensive club in town. Just before going to the front door, Dean grabbed me by the arm.


-Trust me... I am not bringing you inside that party, I interrupted him.

I went straight to the bouncer at the door. He stopped us.


I laughed.

-Oh, we are not here for this party...I want the private one in the back.

-I don't know what you are talking about. If I don't get a name, you don't get in.

I could feel Tessa's and Dean's gazes on me. Ok...I took a deep breath. His voice was not familiar, so a new bouncer. Did I hire a new one? I did not think so....

-Ok...You are new here...

-So what?

-Is Ariel here?

-JASON! yelled a girl behind the bouncer as an answer.

She came straight to me and hugged me. I smiled. She was really short compared to me, but it did not stop me from doing the same.

-Oh my god! I heard what happened! Are you okay?

-I am standing in front of you, Ariel!

-You know what I mean!

-Yeah! I am fine. Thanks to him, I sighed.


--No, I brought dead people. They are actually ghosts....Come on, Ariel....Of Course, I brought people here!

-Ok, then..... Follow me, she said. Oh and by the way, big boy, she told the bouncer. He is your boss. So, next time you don't let him in, you are fired.

She did not let him reply. We followed her inside the most prestigious club in the city. We got to the backstage and went downstairs. We arrived in another club. There were noises, but not as much as in the front one. The music was much different too. It was more classical something definitely more chic and high class then on the other side where people were getting drunk in an hour or so before dancing on the dance floor and flirting for the rest of the night. Ariel grabbed my shoulder to tell me to stop (yes I know, not the normal way of proceeding, but everything else scared me when we tried). We had passed the doors.

-Hey guys! Guess who's here! yelled Ariel by my side before I could stop her.

There was a big silence which was mostly composed of thirty heads turning in our direction.

-Oh, hey...guys.., I saluted.

They all raced toward me. Dean grabbed my wrist discreetly.

-Guys! Stop! I am blind remember? I can't see you coming!

They all stopped, but Dean did not let go.

-Go back to what you were doing,. I will go say hi to each of you INDIVIDUALLY! I ordered.

-But...Family hug? asked one of the biggest man in the group.

I laughed. Yep... Of course: Nick was still the same...

-No hugs tonight.

Grumbling emerged from the crowd. Some started arguing.

-Enough! My wound still hurt too much for thirty hugs. So, yes, no hugs.

-Well, that didn't stop you two from..., started Tessa before being interrupted by her brother's elbow.

I blushed. I knew I did. My friends laughed understanding the rest of the sentence.

-Ok....enough....let's get a seat, I whispered under my breath.

Dean and Tessa followed me to the farthest table. Ariel brought us drinks.

-Thanks, Ariel.

-Now, can I at least know their name or is it as usual? None of my business?

I smiled.

-No, it is fine. Ariel, may I present you Tessa, she is a sniper in the Marines and also happened to be the sister of the guy that once wanted to kill me.

-I never wanted to kill, denied Dean besides me.

-I said once wanted! Anyway, this is Dean. He is in the Marines as well. He also happens to be the guy that saved my life...twice already.

-Oh really?, she said.

I sighed, happy to see that she had not changed as well. Her tone was lighter and sweeter.

-So, I believe we owe you a big thank you.

-Ariel...., I coughed.

-Ok, fine. Don't forget what you promise them, she remembered me before going away.

-Why did you...?, Dean asked.

-Push her away? I interrupted.

-Well, yeah...

-You must be kidding me? Really, Dean? She was clearly flirting with you. And, well I have a strong policy about that.

-Huh! She has no chance! answered Tessa at his place.

-What....., I started before smiling. You are not playing in the same camp, are you?

-Bingo! his sister added beside me.

-Ariel, I shouted at the room. Who is working at the bar tonight?

-Jared! she replied.

-You will have better chance with him then, I suggested to my friend.

Dean started breathing again. I could feel the tension releasing in the air.

-You...You don't mind? he asked me, uncertain.

-You must be kidding, right?

He was not kidding.

-Why would I care, Dean?

He did not answer, but I knew he was smiling.

-If you will excuse me, I am actually glad Jared is working tonight; I need to talk to him, I told them as I left for the bar.

I sat in front of the bartender. He passed me a glass of martini.

-Did you really have to talk to me?


-Yep that's what I thought, laughed Jared. Ariel is going back at the table.

I smiled. That was definitely her!

-Oh, I almost forgot, started Jared while cleaning the glasses. Someone came in today asking for you.

-What did they want?

-Race against you.

I almost choked on my sip.

-What? I asked through the coughs. Do I know them?

-Don't think so. He was larger than you, complete shaved head and was very rude.

-What do you mean?

-Well, why do you think we have a new bouncer?

-You did not...

-Say anything about the fact that you sometime come at night? No. Neither did any of them.

-Good... Talk to me a little bit more about him, would you? 

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