Chapter 10: Jason

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I woke up in the bathtub the next morning, not really knowing what had happened. All my muscles were aching. Jet welcomed me as usual.

-Hey buddy! Can you bring me to Dean?

My furry friend brought me downstairs. Half-way through the stairs, I could already hear him talking with Tessa.

-Gosh! You could never have been a medic! Dean shouted.

-No shit sherlock! I am a sniper! Now can you stop moving! Tessa replied. I still have two stitches to do.

I followed the voices to what I figured was the kitchen.

-Oh look who's awake! shouted Tessa.

-Not that loud, please, Dean and I replied in one voice.

-Hum... I have some questions, I started, trying to stop the fog that was filling my thoughts. First: why did I wake up in the bathtub cold and wet? Second: You are a sniper?

Tessa was faster than him to answer:

-For your second question: Yes, same regiment as my brother. I was protecting his ass on the field. Dean, I let you answer the first and, just to let you know, you owe us a new shower, she said as she went away.

-Don't listen to her, corrected Dean.

-I pushed you when you tried to help me in the bathroom, am I wrong? I asked while sitting in the chair Jet had brought me to.

-How d'you know?

-I am not stupid...I am cold, wet and not feeling well... and I broke the shower in some way or another, so I can make the link...How bad was the fever?

As I talked, Dean walked to me. He touched my forehead. A chill ran down my spine at the contact of his cold hand.

-You're burning...And you can't stop your antibiotics...


-Side effect, he explained. But they are the only ones that you are not allergic to...So, I guess we'll have to deal with them.

He was tired... and stressed. Discouraged, even.

-Do you have any good movies? I asked him.

-You want to watch a movie?


-You're blind.

-Does not mean I can not watch a movie and appreciate it. Come on!

-Why not...., he said.

We went to the living room and chose a movie that was a classic according to him. It was supposed to be awesome. We both fell asleep on it after five minutes after the beginning... When we woke up the 10 pm local news were playing on the TV.

-You know you guys are getting more and more adorable with time, said Tessa's voice close to us.

This is when I realized on who I fell asleep...Yeah, you got it right....Dean. Dean realized how each of us was using the other as a pillow. He got off of me.

-You must be as..., I started while seating.

-...Red as I am, concluded Dean.

-Yeah...And this is totally A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E! confirmed his sister.

-It's not what you think...Nothing happened...

-Oh, cause you didn't sleep on top of each other? she asked, smiling.

I laughed. I could easily imagine Dean's face at this precise moment.

-She is kind of right, you know? I agreed.

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