Chapter 6: Dean

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Hospitals... I've always hated them... They smell like death, fear and a lot like blood. Oh and I almost forgot.... They're really good targets when it comes to bomb. So yeah.... I was nervous, sweaty and a little paranoïac when I learned I was supposed to wait for the surgery to be done, inside, without Jet and Tessa, cause I forgot to bring the freaking dog dossard with me. As soon as the surgery finished, I was allowed to wait in Jason's room with him. The doctors told me it was a miracle he was alive, but to not expect much about it. He was dead longer than he should've been and it could cause irreparable damage to his brain and body. I was falling asleep in a school-type chair when he started to cough. I immediately called a nurse knowing what the next step was. As I expected, he freaked out when he realized he had a tube in his mouth and tried to fight it.

-Calm down, calm down, I told him while dropping a friendly hand on his shoulder. You'll be fine. They'll remove it, just breathe ok?

Hearing my voice, he calmed down and turned his head towards me. The nurses came in and relieved him from the tube. 

-What the hell are you doing here? He asked me.

-He saved your life, answered a masculine voice behind me. 

-Oh great..., responded back Jason in a sigh.

-Happy to see you too Jason.

I turned to the guy. He was around my height, but he could for sure leave aside the beers sometimes. He was wearing a blue suit, and, according to the firearms at his belt, he was not a friend of Jason's.

-Dean, this... this is inspector Patterson. He must have around a thousand pages about me in his files.

-Yeah, I could use not to have them...Anyway, I'm here to ask a few questions to both of you. Are you feeling well enough?

-Do I have a choice?

-Not really.

-Then go ahead.

-Last night, you got attacked at your house, right?


-Can you tell me what happened?

-Hum....., Jason started while slowly bringing himself in a sitting position. I came back after school....I was with Jet and... hum...


-He started growling reason, so I entered and hum.....

I gave him a glance. He was completely tense, head to toe. His breaths were getting shakier. 

-Yes, Jason?

-Then... the door closed and.... Jet... Where's Jet?

-The dog? He is fine. We brought him to the vet and...., explained the officer.

-He was injured??? They kicked him and I heard him cry.

-Why just not go back to the events? So, you went back home and got trapped there..

-Where is Jet? 

-Can we...?

I cut the officer by sitting on the bed beside Jason. He was paler and paler. He was starting to hyperventilate. I grabbed him by the shoulders.

-Jason, look at me... Jet is safe. He is downstairs with my sister. The only reason he is not with you right now is because I was too busy saving your ass and I didn't grab his harness ok?

Even though it was supposed to be reassuring for him, I seemed to have made it worse. His heartbeat went crazy. 

-Oh my gosh.... you're not afraid for him.... you want him here....I am coming back with him, ok? Don't die!

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