Chapter 17: Jason

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Why did I have to pass those freaking final exams? I still had a term to do, but these one were painful. I sat down at the beginning of the class. I had three hours. Three hours, alone with my earbuds, my reading program and my laptop while everybody was writing around me. I skipped at least three questions before panic started to fill me up. Jet started licking my hand under the table, but it did not help. I took a deep breath. Ok...I was so screwed...I just had my previous conversation with Dean in memory. That was not good... I had finished the book yeasterday. As something was coming to my mind about the fourth question, a damn phone started to ring. I took a deeper breath, playing with my hands to relieve the tension in them.

-Who's phone is this? asked the teacher who was supervising the exam.

He must be showing it to the classroom considering he was supposed to have all of them in front before distributing the papers.

-Forget about it, it stopped. You can go back to your exam.

I listened to the question again, before starting to tap my answer. That ringtone again.... I knew that ringtone, but decided to forget it. But after the fifth time, I knew exactly which one it was...

-I am not going to say that again: who's phone is it? If it can help anybody, it says Tessa.

He had not finished his sentence, I was already grabbing the phone from his hand. It stopped ringing and started again.

-Thank you, Jason, can you please turn it off now?

Another time.

-Jason, if you answer this phone, you'll fail the exam, you know our policy, he reminded me as I pressed the green button.

-Tessa, what's wrong? I asked her through the mobile.

She did not have time to answer. The alarm for a white code answered for her.

-Ok everyone, let's start the procedure as we taught it to you, ordered the man.

The students activated themselves around the classroom. I whistled to attract Jet attention and rushed out of the room without even thinking, the cell phone on my ear.

-Tessa, where are you? I asked her.

-I am outside...Jay...they...They let him out..., her voice cried on the line.

-I am on my way, I told her before I hung up.

Doors were closing one after the other as I ran the hallways, trying to find the right exit. As I passed in front of one, somebody grabbed me by the arm and pulled me in their classroom.

-Where the hell do you think you are going?

Really?? Ms Brown?? I heard the door closing and tried to get out, but she stopped me again.

-Jason! Are you stupid or what? There's someone with a weapon somewhere in the building.

-He is not in the building, I yelled at her.

The whole class suddenly shut up. I could feel their eyes on me.

-You don't know that.

-Yes, I do...Now let me go, I need to get to him....He needs my help!

-Who the hell are you talking about?

I shut up. I could not say his name here. Not in front of everybody else.

-Who, Jason?

-He is not dangerous to anybody...Just...Just himself..., I answered, wishing she would get it.

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