Chapter 7: Dean

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Three days later...2:00 am....

I was in my bedroom looking at the ceiling with my friend, the pack of beer, when my cellphone rang. I let it ring, because looking at it was funny. It was almost jumping from the vibrations. It became less hilarious after the third time. I picked it up. Unknown number. I answered. The other person didn't say anything at all. I looked at my phone. Everything was fine. I had been able to open it....

-Who's this?

The unsure and shaky voice that answered had the effect of a cold shower on me. I sat straight in my bed. I got up and grabbed my keys.

-Stay on the phone with me, I ordered the other. No.... I am on my way...what do you mean how I am gonna get there? I will use a horse of course! Don't you remember that I am your charming prince coming on a white horse to rescue you?....Yep that was supposed to make you laugh idiot! Not worry about the fact that I might actually come on a white horse!

As I was talking, I ran down the stairs, directly into Tessa that I, apparently, woke up by being the elephant in a porcelain shop that I was.

-Where the hell are you going? she asked.

-Hold up, I told the idiot at the other end. Jason's.

-You can't go like this.

-What d'you mean?

-You're drunk.

-Don't listen to her, I reassured Jason. I am not drunk. I am serious....dead serious.

Before I could add anything Tessa grabbed the phone in my hand, told Jason she was coming with me and hung up.

-Don't thank me. You'll be there faster. Keys? She explained before handing me her hand.

I dropped the keys in her palm more confused than ever.

We drove to Jason's in five minutes. Tessa waited for me in the car. I went straight in. At first look it didn't look like anything had happened in the hall. Ok, well the carpet, the paintings and everything that had blood on was now gone. So, in terms of money, it was coming somewhere around 300,000$ of missing things.


No answer. Maybe he died. Wished not, but was a possibility. I turned the corner of the wall. Surprise! He was not dead!

-You're not dead!

-And you're more drunk than I thought.

-I am not drunk, tipsy maybe, but not drunk. That is definitive.

He smiled. A faint and fake smile. Jason was sitting in the living room in the dark. Through the small ray of moonlight that was hitting his face I could see everything that was wrong. He was not looking at me but at the computer in front of him. He was wearing a strange apparel for somebody who had just been released from the hospital; he was wearing a nice and immaculate shirt under a black suit jackets. No tie though, but the overall mixed with his dark jeans was working pretty well.

-So, did the detective tell you what he thinks of the case?

No answer.

-He believes it was a robbery, I told him.


-How come?

-They stole the medium class Ferrari. If it was a robbery they would have taken the Bugatti.

-You have a...wait how many cars do you have?

He didn't answer.

-Ok...what's wrong? I asked as I sat down in front of him.

-Nothing...Just forget it, he answered as he closed the computer.

He stopped there. The hand on the computer, incapable of removing it.

-It's not nothing....You called ME. How long has it been before you called me?

He bit his lower lips. His knuckles were slowly turning white from the resistance.


He got up and went to the kitchen without answering. Yeah...That's what I thought. I heard him open the cellar and pour himself a glass.

-Where's Jet? I yelled.

No answer again. I whistled twice and heard the shepherd barking. Ok... he was with him. Great. I glanced behind me. Clear. I grabbed his computer and opened it. Great choice of background Jason; a Sang Bleue from Bugatti. I clicked on the only application that was opened. I jumped as my face appeared on the screen. Of course...Big house + Money totally equals hidden security cameras. A folder was flashing on the right side of the screen. A click after, I saw the whole scene from the beginning. It was horrible; the blood splashing the walls, Jason falling on the ground. Jet getting kicked. Everything was there like I deduced on that day. The part between me and them attacking him was quite a surprise. One of them removed their mask. It was a girl and she was pissed off by the way she was talking to the others.

-That's why I called you..., told me Jason from the door porch behind me. Please tell me I am wrong.

It was my turn to not answer. I was frozen in front of that screen.

-I am wrong right?

I slowly turned to him, mouth opened, incapable of saying anything. Jason's fist abruptly hit the wall close to him, piercing a hole. I got up and joined him seeing the way he was moving his fingers. I forced him to sit down on a chair close to him. I gently took his hand in mind and analysed the damage he had caused. His knuckles were covered in blood.

-I guess that explains why she did not answer when I called, he whispered.

I knew I couldn't do much. After all, it's not everyday that you get stabbed by a beautiful girl, shorter than you, that you've known for years and that also happen to be your best friend. 

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