Chapter 1

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How did I get here? The question I feel like I ask myself a thousand times a day. I wake up in bed next to a man that I want nothing to do with. I used to be so in charge of my future and now I'm not. I tried to sneak out of the bed but in the act I wake him up and he forcefully pulls me back towards him and he starts kissing me all over.
"Where do you think your going," he says in between kisses.
"To get breakfast," I answered.
"Mmmmm, not yet," he said as his kisses start to go towards my lips.
I hate this! I always think what my life would be like if I wouldn't have cheated on Maxon with Aspen. I would be married to Maxon and not Tyler.
Why did I marry him? Who am I kidding, I know why. When I got back from the selection I was so broken, so venerable, that when Tyler came around and was willing to love me. I fell into the trap. I was willing to marry the first person who would love me even if I didn't love him. I tried to get out of the marriage but my family seemed so happy I had found someone. Also, he told me I couldn't leave and I fought against him on that for so long, and I'm still fighting. 
"Alright let's get up," Tyler says.
We slip out of bed and I make it as he gets ready for work.
"So there is a work dinner for me tonight and I need you to be there," he says.
"Because if I have a hot trophy wife I may as well show her off; also wear the red dress, the one I bought you, the tight one."
I could feel my face getting red as the anger boiled up inside me, he only thought of me as a trophy wife! I was nothing more than a hot body! That's  all I was worth to him!
"Excuse me," is all I say as I look him straight in the eye.
"You know that's all you are to me don't you? Speaking of which best behavior tonight, if everything goes as planned I get to go present my new idea at the palace."
"At the palace," I said stuttering.
"Yeah where your dear  Maxon is," he starts but I interrupt him.
"That's King Maxon to you," I said.
"Whatever, you will be coming with me."
"No," is all I said almost quietly.
"No?" He questioned.
"No!" I said louder this time, I'm standing up to this jerk. Why can't he just back off! And why can't I get rid of him! But in someways I don't want to get rid of him, because he is awful and I almost find it punishment for what I did to Maxon. Oh how I love that man and oh how I miss him.
"America! You will go with me to the party and if all goes well you will go to the palace as well; and you will slap a gorgeous smile on your face and you will be happy."
With that he stormed out and I watched him go but on his way out he tripped over my violin case and fell straight on his face. 
"I wish you would  get rid of the stupid thing! It just makes loud obnoxious noise and you can't even play it well!" He screamed at me as he threw the violin, case and all against the wall and stormed out.
That's when I broke down, music was my only true form of happiness, besides my family. I could never play or sing while he was around because he would just criticize me. I slid on to the floor with my back against the wall and I pulled my knees against my chest, the fleece of my pajama pants soaked up my tears. I have to go to this dinner with him tonight and throw on the smile, that I always throw on when it's not just him and me. My family thinks Tyler and I are so desperately in love that we don't know what to do with ourselves. That couldn't be farther from the truth, I have never been more miserable in a relationship in my life. I hear the door slam after about an hour of hearing nothing but my sobs, that means Tyler is finally gone. I get up and get ready for the day. I can't play music today, what happened this morning is just to much for me, so I skip over that in my daily routine. 
I turn on the report and there I see the happy couple Kriss and Maxon. That was supposed to be my life but I threw it away. They were smiling at each other as the report was staring, the perfect couple, the perfect King and Queen, as so many magazines were calling them. Well I'm glad there life has turned out so well. At least their happy, they deserve it.
"Good morning Illea," Gavril said as he started the report.
I started picking stuff around the tv, while I half way listened to the report. Maxon said something about rebellions and then he went on and on about politics and stats. He also mentioned something about him and Kriss but I tuned that part out, I didn't want to hear about people's life being perfect, when mine is practically being run into the ground. The last thing they talked about was someone from Tyler's company coming to make business proposition at the palace to stop the rebellions and staying at the palace to help them see it threw.
Suddenly the phone starts ringing and I run to go grab it.
"Hello," I say.
"Ames come to our house right now, it important," I hear May say eagerly in the other line and then she suddenly hangs up. That was really weird... I guess I'll head over to their house and see what all the hype is about.

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