Chapter 21

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Tonight was the night of the report and everyone was on their toes. Tonight Kriss and Maxon would be announcing their divorce. A king and Queen has not been divorced since Maxon's great grandparents. Thankfully, I was watching the report from the comfort of my bed in my pajamas. My door was slightly opened and I watched maids running around everywhere trying to get ready for the big announcement. Maxon and Kriss have both been stressing out about how the country will react and I am excited to watch. A maid had brought me popcorn and I was snacking on it waiting for the report to start. I looked at the clock and it was almost 7:00, so I turned on the tv. I flipped to the right channel and the countries anthem started to play. Gavril soon appeared waving at the audience, he looked so happy even though the country was getting some bad news today.
"Welcome to tonights report, now with out anything else from me, Queen Kriss and King Maxon." They both smiled as they walked on and took their seats, but I knew them both well enough that I could see right through their act.
"Thank you Gavril, it's great to be here," Maxon said. I could do clearly see his nerves.
I continued to eat my popcorn as I watched this all unfold. Maxon shared a bunch of boring statistics and news that I think I slept through.
"As many of you know Lady America and her husband have been here with us at the palace with us," Maxon started. Wait, I wasn't supposed to be talked about tonight. Why can't the world just leave me alone with my pajamas and popcorn. "Since they have been here," he continued, where was this going? I was starting to get nervous. "It has come to light that Lady America has been abused by her husband." I spit popcorn out at the tv and all over the bedspread. Why is Maxon letting everyone into my personal life? I -I couldn't trust him. He didn't even talk to me about this. I had anger, but also sadness because the mention of the abuse reminded me of my baby and I started to cry. "She will stay here at the palace until future notice, until we figure certain business." Maxon said. Oh I would not be staying here! Especially not after that! I would talk to him about this all as soon as possible and then get out of here. With tears in my eyes and sadness and anger in my heart I continue to watch.
"America and her husband are in the process of a divorce at the moment," Kris adds. Thanks to both of them my personal life is going to be all over the news tomorrow.
"Speaking if divorces we have some hard news to share with all of you," Maxon starts.
Finally he is getting to what he should have started with.
"Kriss and I have talked and have decided together to get a divorce." Maxon says and then pauses as if to give everyone the chance to talk all of this news in. "I know this must be a shock to many, but we believe it's what is best for us. We both have so much respect for each other, but we aren't in love with each other anymore and we both believe that is something a relationship needs."
"We will keep you updated through our divorce progress," Kriss says and I can tell she is happy with this decision and I can see Maxon is too, but I'm still mad at both of them. So freaking mad. They give more details about their divorce, but I'm to upset to listen. Why would they exploit my private life like that! I want an explanation and then I'm on the next plane back to Carolina. I can figure out my own divorce there, I don't need their petty help. Just then Marlee walks into my bedroom, I look of sympathy on her face.
"Why would he do that?" I said through all of my tears. Marlee rushed over to my bed and hugged me.
"I don't know," Marlee said.
I pulled away from the hug and my tears were so heavy that I couldn't see her.
"He didn't even talk to me about it, he just went with it." I said still sobbing.
"Why don't you talk to him?" Marlee said.
"Because I hate him right now," I said simply. "You know I was just starting to think I could trust him and then this happens."
"I'm sure he will have a reason," Marlee said and I could tell she wanted me to hear him out.
"Maybe, but probably not." I was so salty right now.
"Give him a chance," Marlee urged.
"I want to go home," I said simply.
"No, you can't do that!" Marlee said. Why did she care so much, I would see her again and frequently.
"Why not?" I asked.
"Because there are bigger things that are going to happen."
I furrowed my brow, "What do you mean bigger things?"
"Well I can't tell you," Marlee said clearly regretting what she had said about bigger things.
"Then who can?" I asked and I could see she was trying to find the best way to respond.
"Maxon will explain it all later, just hang in there."
"Okay," I say even though I still do not plan on staying.
"Good," she said seeming really relieved. What was going on? First Maxon with his 'we need to talk' and Marlee's talk about 'bigger things'. "Are you okay?" She asked.
"Yeah I think I just need some sleep," I said kind of hoping she would leave.
"Okay, I'll leave you then." She said while getting of the bed. She quickly walked to the door and blew me a kiss before walking out the door. Something really weird was going on here. I turned back to the tv and it looked like the report was ending.
"Goodnight," Gavril said, but I wasn't watching him, I was looking at Maxon. He reached up and tugged his ear. And then the tv went black, Maxon was coming tonight and I was ready to yell at him more than I ever have before.

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