Chapter 13

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I had thrown up twice in the last twenty four our and have felt sick for days. I decided while Tyler was in a meeting, I could sneak away to go see the doctor.
I quickly and quietly exited the Princess suite and headed down to the hospital wing.
"Mer wait up," I hear Aspen call from down the hall.
So much for trying to sneak down to the hospital wing. I stopped in the hall and waited for him to catch up.
"Hey," I said once he finally caught up.
"Where are you heading?" He asked.
I debated lying, but I figured it would cause less trouble in the long run just to tell the truth.
"The hospital wing," I said hoping he wouldn't ask questions.
And there goes my hope.
"I've been feeling sick for the last few days," I said, trying to make it sound as unimportant as possible. Aspen stopped in the middle of the hall and grabbed both my wrist and was examining me as if to see what was wrong.
"I'm fine, really."
"My next round is outside the door where they are having the meeting, do you want me to tell Tyler?"
Nope, no please that's the worst thing you could do I wanted to say.
"No, I don't want to concern him if it's nothing major," I said trying to brush it off.
He dropped my wrist and his green eyes stared into mine.
"He will probably want to know if your that sick," he said.
"He won't really care," I said quietly and as soon as I had said it I wished I could take the words back.
"He wouldn't care?" Aspen said now seeming really concerned.
"Well if it's nothing major," I tried to cover it up, but Aspen interrupted me. "It shouldn't matter if it's a cold or cancer, he should care." Aspen said his eyes urgent.
"That's just not the kind of relationship we have," I said trying to think of a way I could get out of this situation.
"Mer, that's the kind of relationship you should have with your husband. In sickness and in health remember."
"I know but," I started but was immediately stopped by Aspen gently putting a hand over my mouth.
"No buts, fix your marriage or get out of it," he said and with that he kissed my forehead and walked down the hallway.
I've said to much, I need to be more careful next time, I silently scold myself.
I walked the rest of the way to the hospital wing, without any interruption.
"Good afternoon Lady America," a nurse greets me.
"Hello, is Dr. Ashler available?" I ask.
"Yes, one moment just take a seat."
"Thank you," I say as she heads into the back room.
"Hello Lady America, right this way." Dr. Ashler says to me as he opens the door for me. I wasn't used to that kind of treatment from a man.
"Thank you," I say.
"Right this way," he says as he leads me down a hallway and into a hall with multiple beds. He motions for me to sit on one of the beds as he pulls the curtains closed to give us a little privacy.
He grabs a clipboard and takes a seat near the bed.
"What seems to be the problem?" He asks.
"I'm not sure, I've been feeling sick these past few days." I explained.
"Hmm what symptoms have you experienced?"
I tried to think back on everything that had happened the last few days.
"Nauseous, headache, and I've thrown up." I said.
He quickly scribbled down those notes on his clipboard then looked back up at me.
"Do you take any prescribed medicines?"
"No," I answered and he quickly did a check on the paper.
"Has this happened before?" He asked.
I tried to think about, then shook my head no.
"Does changing climates typically make you sick?" He asked.
"No, not in the past at least."
"Are you sexually active?" He asked. I hated answering this question, but I had to be honest.
"Yes," I said.
"Okay I'm going to need a urine sample in order to run some test," he said digging through the cupboards and finally he pulled out a small cup with a lid.
"Okay," I said leaving to take it to the hospital bathroom.
Once I got into the bathroom I realized, I'd never done this before. But I mean how hard can it be? All I have to do it pee in a cup. I did t and finishes as quickly as I could. I walked back to the room and handed the cup to the doctor.
"Perfect, I'm going to run some test and be right back."
Now, all I guess I can do is wait. I looked around there really wasn't a whole lot to do in a doctors office was there. I started to think about what Aspen and Maxon have said to me since I've been back at the palace. Aspen said I needed to fix or end things with Tyler, and I wish I could end things. I've tried a couple of times and he always just laughs it off and then kisses me. Every. Single. Time. Maxon said I need to let people in, would that make my life any better? Honestly they were both right, but I didn't know how to do it. How did I get here? I asked myself silently as I lied down on the bed and draped an arm over my eyes. 
I felt nauseous again, ugh I was so tired of being sick.  I watched to door for a moment hoping he would be back soon.  I don't know why I'm so anxious, maybe because I could fix the problem and I would feel a lot better. 
Suddenly the door opened and I shot up into the sitting position.
"Well the test results are positive," he says as he walks through the door way.
"Positive, as in it'a fixable?" I asked, really confused by his answer.
"Your pregnant," He said.
Crap is all I thought before I blacked out.

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