Chapter 56

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I'm helping Aspen set up the proposal, and it couldn't be more perfect. I was stringing up lights around a gazebo in the gardens, while Aspen was putting pictures of them on the walkway up to the gazebo.
"I love this," I say excitedly.
"Thanks for your help," Aspen says as he puts up another picture.
"No problem, I'm so excited for you."
I quietly hummed as I strung up the rest of the lights and I was so happy Aspen was finally going to propose.
After we finished, Aspen walked over to me, "meet me here at 6:00, okay?"
"Yep I'll be here," I say smiling, I was so excited for them.
As I walked through the halls to my room, I had a skip in my step.
"Someone looks happy," Maxon comments as I pass him in the hall. I stop and look at him and I'm grinning from ear to ear.
"Aspen is proposing to Lucy tonight," I say.
"He was telling me about that, he said you were almost as excited as he was," Maxon says letting out a small laugh.
"I'm just glad he's finally doing it, they both deserve to be happy."
"I agree," Maxon says and he is silent for a moment. "Look, I've got to work late tonight, but would you mind if I stopped by your room before you go to bed?"
"Why would I mind?" I ask.
"I just didn't know if you would be tired from all your excitement," he says.
"I probably will, but I want to see you tonight since we both won't be at dinner."
"Great, I've got a meeting to go to, but I'll see you later."
He gives me a kiss on the cheek and hurries down the hallway towards his next meeting. I fortunately was done with my meetings for the day and I was glad we made a lot of progress on the removal of the castes.
I finally get to my room and clasps on my bed, it has been a long day.
I look over at my bed stand and there is a note and a picture of Maxon and me during the selection when I wore the cream dress. I pick up the note and it says , nothings changed, I still love you.
I smile as I gently rub my fingers over his Fine penmanship. I pick up the picture, I could stare at it for hours. I start my picture college like Maxon has, and hang that picture up on my wall.
It's a few minutes before 6:00 and I rush down to the gardens, to help Aspen with the last minute details.
As I walk up to the gazebo Aspen is in a tux and pacing back and forth.
"You clean up nice," I say.
"Do you think it's to much?" He asks.
"I think it adds a little more flare," I say as I gently straighten us tie.
"Good, I've never felt more nervous."
"Just make sure your hands don't sweat," I tease.
"Thanks Mer, that's really helpful." He says as he wipes his hands on his pants.
"It'll be find, now where is the camera?" I ask.
"Oh," he says and picks up a camera on the outside edge of the gazebo. "Here," he adds as he hands it to me.
"Thanks, where should I go?" I ask.
"Yes, um."
"You seem really flustered," I observe.
"It's a big day, and what if she says no?"
"Trust me she won't," I say. "Now where do you want me?" I ask.
"Right over there," he says pointing towards a bush.
I go and hide and laugh slightly as I watch Aspen pace and silently go over his speech.
Suddenly I see him calm down and smile, I quickly start the camera and I'm able to get both of their reactions to seeing each other and Lucy's slow walk up to Aspen as she looks at all of the photos.
"What's going on," Lucy says almost to quietly for me to hear.
"You'll See," Aspen says as he gently takes her hands in his. "Lucy, meeting you was the last thing I ever imagined to happen in my life, but life always has a way of making things work out for the best. Lucy, you are what holds me together and helps me through all of life challenges."
At this point there are tears in Lucy's eyes and Aspen gently reaches up to wipe them.
"I love you," Aspen continues. "And I want to spend the rest of my life with you," he says as he gets down on one knee and pulls out a ring box.
"Will you marry me?" He asks.
"Yes," she exclaims and when he stands up he gently slips the ring on her finger and kisses her.
They both have tears in their eyes as they gently break apart and look at the ring together.
I give them a moment before I shut off the camera and walk over and gently set it down on a bench by the gazebo. They are so wrapped up in each other, neither of them notice me silently leave and let them enjoy this moment together. Watching that has given me a new perspective, and I needed to talk to Maxon about it tonight. I walk up to my room and pace back and forth wondering the best way to tell him. Then there is a knock and the door clicks open.

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