"You're really pretty" Dylan says.
I look up at him. He seems surprised by his own words. I smile a little.
"What?" I say and keep looking at him a little confused, but also amused by his face expression.
When shooting Teen Wolf is...
"I'm so nervous..." I say, tripping my foot up and down on the floor. Staring blank out.
"It's gonna be fine." Shelley says and leans over the table in between us.
We were in a coffee shop. Waiting for the other girls and my manager. We're picking out my wedding dress today.
"...but what if I don't like any of them?" I say, finally letting go of my gaze and looking at Shelley.
"You're gonna find your dream dress, Holland. Everything will be fine. Rose is the absolute best." Shelley says and smiles.
I actually have Britt to thank for that. Rose is Britts good friend, she is apparently an expert finding the right dress to your body type and have become famous because of it.
"Yeah, yeah... it's gonna be fine." I tell myself out loud.
The door makes a dingy noise and in comes the whole squad. Crystal, Arden, my manager Leah and my sister Taylor.
I smile as they approach our table and they all smile back.
"Are you ready?" Crystal says and claps her hand together in excitement.
I flash my teeth in an attempt of a big smile. "As ready as I'll ever be. Let's go." I say and stand up.
After hours of tears, laughter, stomach sucking, maybe's and no's and overall excitement, I still hadn't found THE dress yet.
And I can't even remember how many glasses of champagne I've consumed.
I bumped down in the sofa between all the other girls, who had been sitting there all day looking at me swirling around on the floor in front of them.
"I give up." I say and let my head fall back to the sofa.
"What? No." Crystal says and tries standing up with the champagne glass in her hand, but almost stumbles on her way up.
"You're drunk." I laugh.
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"Yeah, we all are, listen-" She starts saying after she finally could find her balance.
"Don't give up. We just need to take a break, we need some inspiration." She continues and starts squinting her eyes, like she's thinking really hard.
"Where's Rose?" Taylor suddenly says and interrupts Crystals statement.
"She was at the back with me just a second ago." I say and frown.
"Ugh, I need some water." Crystals says and starts walking towards the water wending machine.
Everyones starts giggling at her. I close my eyes for a bit, Crystal is right. We've been going on for a long time.
I need a break, something to inspire me. And then maybe I'll find the right dress.
I hear the girls chatter around me, I still have my eyes closed.