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Eren, an eighteen year old boy with an unfortunate history had just been released into the world on his own for the first time.

Prior to this, Eren lived in an orphanage, with several other children. They were all sweet and mischievous, but unlike Eren, most of them were human. There was one other kid, who shared the same ability as he, his name was Armin. Armin and Eren got along great, they quickly became best friends and almost nothing could separate them... Almost.

There was that dreaded time of the month where blood would come from everywhere and anger would fuel up inside them, and Eren would get very moody. No wait, not THAT time of the month, the OTHER one. The night where the full moon would rise and the werewolfs would howl and Eren would have trouble controlling his wolf form.

He and Armin were always separated on the full moon since Armin was able to hold on to his human form and could transform whenever he pleased. Eren however, he lost all control. The orphanage workers tried their best to chain Eren up and lock him in the basement but their efforts were always in vain. Eren would end up being too strong in his wolf form, he was able to break out and would sometimes even kill an animal or two. Luckily, there hadn't been any serious injuries to the workers or the other orphans. His ability to break out was unusual because the chains were always able to withstand the struggles of previous werewolf orphans. For Eren, that didnt seem to be the case. Armin was adopted a year before their release and Eren never heard from him since.

Now, Eren was all alone, with no pack, and no way to control his ability... And tomorrow was a full moon. His first thought when he left the orphanage was to find food and somewhere to sleep. His decided to go to a market and see if he could steal some food from there.

He had wandered around the market for a while and managed to steal a few apples and somehow, a whole raw chicken. Satisfied, he was about to leave the marketplace when suddenly he had this rushing sensation, as if the world was moving in slow motion. Some mothers grabbed their children while others just stood and watched in fear.

He saw panicked faces but no one ran. Instead, they all stood there, as if they were frozen in time. Eren turned to see what they were all looking at. There was a gun, and attached to the gun there was a tall built man. Dressed in all black, the blond man held up his gun, ready to fire at Erens head. A small girl cried in the background as the man shouted, "THIS IS ERWIN SMITH FROM THE INVESTIGATION REGIMENT, MARCO BOTT PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR!"

Marco? Who was that? Eren began walking up to the man to explain he wasnt who they thought he was. "Actually my name-"


Eren continued to walk, "No you dont understand im not-"


The rush, he felt it again. As time slowed once again his eyes fixated on a small, metal object slowly continuing forward in mid air. A bullet. Eren quickly moved to the side, to dodge the bullet and once he did, time began moving normally again. The man named Erwin stood there, quite amazed. "There was no way I could have missed, you were only a few feet away".

"For the last time, I am NOT MARCO! MY NAME IS EREN JAEGER!"



"Oh god I am extremely sorry mister Jaegar. You look similar to a criminal named Marco Bott, a criminal mastermind, and since you were advancing towards me, I was ordered to fire. "How did my bullet not hit you?" Questioned Erwin.

Eren stood there puzzled, how did Erwin not see him dodge that? "Um, I stepped out of its path, obviously."

Erwins eyes widened slightly but quickly went back to his stern poker face. "Mister Jaeger, I think my boss would like to meet you."

"Oh I'd love to meet the jerk that ordered you to almost kill me. WHERE IS HE?"

"Uh, come with me Mister Jaeger", Eren followed Erwin into a large building a few houses away filled with white collared people rushing in every direction. They entered an elevator and Erwin pressed the button for the top floor. The door opened to reveal a hallway that included a single desk and at the end of the hall, a mysterious double door. Erwin walked up to the blond lady sitting at the desk, "Is he free?"

"Yep, go on in", she said, sounding quite bored. Erwin opened the double doors that lead into a large, open room with an enormous window and shelves with files that lined the walls. In the centre, stood a dark haired figure who gave off a scary aura that filled the room.

"Sir, I think I found someone who could be of high use to us", said Erwin.


This first chapter is kind of like an introduction to get the gist on this AU.
This story is dedicated to AutumnStevenson4

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