A New Pack

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"And what could he possibly have that I would find of use?" Said the strange figure.

"Well sir, he just dodged my bullet", said Erwin. The mans eyebrow twitched with annoyance. "You're telling me, you interrupted my time to show me a boy that happened to dodge your bullet? If you weren't so loyal to me, I would have had you fired on the spot".

"Er- no sir, I dont think you understand, he was only about four feet in front of me when I fired".



The world slowed down again for some reason. Eren saw that the man who seemed to run this building had just unexpectedly fired a gun at him. Eren stepped to the side like he did with Erwin's shot and time resumed once more. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE? WHY DOES EVERYONE KEEP FIRING AT ME?" Eren felt his canine teeth and claws begin to transform as he charged at the man, ready to give him a good beat down when suddenly he felt a pain in the back of his head and when he opened his eyes, he found himself staring at the roof. Eren rubbed the back of his head as he stood up.

"My name is Levi Ackerman and from now on you'll be working for me. If you ever attempt something like that on me again, it will be the last thing you do, understand?" Said Levi.

'Jeez, you'd never guess he was that strong from just looking at him, he's so short!' Thought Eren.

Levi gave Eren a death stare, as if he knew what Eren was thinking. Levi looked at Erwin and gave him a quick nod, signalling him to leave the room. Erwin exited quickly and closed the large doors behind him, leaving Levi and Eren alone. "So, Eren Jaeger, what makes you different from other wolves?" Asked Levi.

"What? How do you know my name? And how do you know I'm a werewolf?" Questioned Eren, feeling quite violated.

"I know all the details listed in your public record. I don't however, know how you got this ability to react to danger in lightning speed".

"My guess is as good as yours". Said Eren.

Levi stared up and down Eren's body, examining him with his eyes, "Well you look like a normal person, there's nothing significant about you, that will work in our favour".

"There are many significant things about me for your information. Anyways, what is this place?" Asked Eren.

"Well, we are the Investigation Corps, we hunt down the criminals that the Police cant catch. I am the head of the Investigation corps and you, will be working on the front lines. Since you have this strange ability, you will be the best person to use as bait. Professor Hanji will give you a tour of the building tomorrow morning, your training also starts tomorrow but for now you can go home, be here by 8am sharp. Any questions?" Levi explained.

"Actually..." Eren started, "...I don't have a home to go to. I just got released from the orphanage today."

Levi sighed. "You can stay in my quarters, now leave."

"Uh okay, thank you." Said Eren, slightly embarrassed. He left the room and closed the door behind him but as soon as he did, something struck his mind. 'He never told me where his stupid quarters were!'. Eren looked down the hallway and saw the small blond girl at the desk, she would know where he stayed. "Um excuse me.. uh.."

"Annie Leonhart"

"Annie, do you happen to know where Levi stays?"

Annie stood up and reached for the phone. 'Wow, shes even shorter than Levi!'. A small growl came from Levi's office. Annie finished with the phone and sat back down, "Hanji's coming up to show you", Said Annie. Eren nodded in thanks and watched as Hanji arrived in the elevator. Hanji waved him over to join her and he did. They stood in the elevator while Hanji eyed Eren up and down, "Are you the new recruit? Erwin said there was something special about you but you look pretty average to me."

'Average?'. Eren gave an small annoyed look before spotting a small knife in her pocket, "Stab me", he said, pointing to the knife.

"What?" Hanji looked at Eren as if he were crazy.

"Just do it, as hard and as fast as you can."

"Okay? I better not get sued for this". Hanji took out her knife and swung at Eren with full force.


Time slowed as Eren stepped back from the knife aimed at his arm. With the danger averted, time resumed as he left Hanji dumbstruck. "Wow, that really is cool! Welcome to the team!" She exclaimed as she held out her hand, that Eren shook.

They reached the floor where Levi's sleeping quarters were and Hanji opened a door to the left, signalling for Eren to go inside. "This place is fancy" said Eren. "Well, that's Levi for you" replied Hanji, "I'll leave you to make yourself at home, I have some work to do, but I'll give you a tour tomorrow". With that, she left, closing the door behind her, leaving Eren alone in the room.

This chapter was getting pretty long so I had to stop it here. Sorry :(
There will be a new chapter out on Wednesday, Australian time.
Smut warning for the next chapter. ⚠️

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