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Levi had just finished some paperwork on a recently caught criminal and was feeling slightly drowsy. He packed up his desk and quickly wiped it down. He said goodnight to Annie and took the elevator down to his room. Almost everyone had now gone home, except for Annie, himself, and two other people. He opened the door to his quarters and loosened his tie. He collected the things he needed for his shower and walked into his bathroom. He opened the door and saw Eren, half transformed into his wolf form.

Eren was half covered with brown fur, his fangs clearly showing and his claws digging into Levis marble sink. However, he still kept his human physique. His blue eyes looked away from the mirror and directly into Levis. Levi took a step back, bracing himself for a fight. Erens eyes turned from blue to red when he saw Levi prepared to fight and he leaped, pinning Levi to the ground. Levi flipped them, making him on top. He held Eren down with one, clawed hand and with the other-


He had struck Eren across the face. Eren looked back up at Levi and his eyes changed back to blue. "EREN JAEGER! CONTROL YOURSELF!" As Levi said this, his fangs began to grow slightly but they quickly went back to normal. Levi stared at Eren in rage while Eren slowly turned back into his human form. Once he was back to normal, Levi began arguing again, "Eren, I do not give a shit if the full moon is tomorrow, you are a legal adult and I expect more control. At this age you should definitely be able to control your symptoms you mutt."

Eren, dressed only in his boxers, stood up from the couch he was sitting on, about to explode from anger. "Well im sorry that not everyone is a high maintenance asshole like you Levi! I just got released from the orphanage, almost got shot twice and was worried that i was going to kill someone tomorrow without the orphange workers, so yeah! Im kinda stressed at the moment and Im sorry for not being able to control my symptoms!" Eren took a breath and sat back down on the couch.

Although his face didnt show it, Levi was confused. "Why on earth would you need to worry about killing someone tomorrow? And why do you need the orphanage workers? Why dont you just not turn?"

"I cant help it", said Eren. "I may be able to control my symptoms, but once the full moon comes around, I lose all control. Before now, the orphanage workers would chain me up, just like they did with all the other werewolf orphans, and although that helped slightly, i would always end up breaking out, no matter how big the chain, and no matter how hard i try to control myself. Im not like other wolves, something is wrong with me".

Levi walked over and sat next to Eren on the couch, "Then I guess you need an alpha to control you, distract you from all the stress". Levi looked Eren up and down before making a move on Erens lips. Eren was a bit surprised but he closed his eyes and Levi pushed him down onto the couch. Their kissing became harder, out of breath, as Levi rubbed his hands over Erens bare chest. Levi lifted from kiss to unbutton his shirt, tossing it on the floor. He picked up Eren, and carried him into the bedroom. Levi made small butterfly like kisses all the way down Erens torso while Erens claws scratched into Levis back. Eren reached for Levi's pants but Levi growled, insisting he took them off himself. Although they had only known one another for a few hours, there was a spark between them, a spark that would soon be the only thing able to help Eren.

Hanji was packed up and ready to go home but she had a important detail about a recent case to inform Levi about. She used her spare key that Levi didnt know about to enter his quarters. As she walked into the house, deep pants, moaning, and a few growls could be heard behind a certain closed door. Hanji giggled to herself, 'I guess this detail can wait until after the action'. She turned and left for home, leaving the two wolves alone.

Yes I know, I know, this wasnt a full smut. Sorry but I find them so cliche. Fore play is fine, you can always make it different and interesting but full smut is boring for me. Sorry if you wanted it but i just cant bring myself to write it.

Instinct (Alpha Levi x Omega Eren)Where stories live. Discover now