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Eren made the first move. He launched himself at Levi with a fierceful leap. Levi, keeping his cool, emotionless expression stepped lightly to the side, and as Eren glided next to him, Levi used his elbow to slam Eren down to the ground. Eren was winded, but determined. He swung his chains around Levi's legs and managed to trip him, but he managed to land onto his hands and flip back onto his feet. Eren quickly stood up to face his opponent, a smirk never fading from his face.

This time, Levi made the advance. He grabbed Erens left wrist and began to twist it. Eren gifted him back a hook with his right hand, the chain swinging in next to it. Levi pushed Eren away from him in an attempt to dodge, but the chain remained quicker, and left him a decent scratch accross his cheek.

Eren thought he saw Levi's eye twitch for a moment, but he couldn't be sure. Levi touched his cheek with his hand and looked at the blood on his fingers. Again, Levi lunged forward but this time, his hand in a fist, he seemed to be moving at a tenth of the speed. Eren had him now. Eren moved to the side to dodge the fist and was prepared to whip Levi in the back with his chains, but time suddenly sped back up and Eren found himself, once again, on the floor, looking up at his opponent.

This time it was Levi who flashed a quick smirk, but long enough for only Eren to see. "Good match, Eren. You move well with those chains. You'll be a valuable asset to the team indeed" Levi turned to finalise the team and their equipment. "Wait" exclaimed Eren, "My time slowed down, you wanted to hurt me!". Levi stopped walking but didnt turn around, "you'd be a fool to work in this field without knowing your opponent's strengths and weaknesses. I trusted you to dodge it, but you believed I was working on anger. An unfortunate decision". Eren furrowed his brows as he got up, "whatever". A quiet "tsk" could be heard behind him.

Eren put on the bullet proof gear and the dark green uniform of the investigation corps. Hanji looked around to make sure everyone was ready, "alright guys lets go, Im driving!". A uniformed "NO" came from everyone besides Eren and Hanji, it almost sounded like there was a touch of fear in them. Sasha spoke again, "you are NOT driving".

Hanji drove them to the lake. They were in a small van that fit everyone comfortably, one of those where two benches ran along the side of the van and you had to open the back door for everyone to exit. Levi was sitting in the passenger seat next to Hanji, and dread could be seen in the eyes of Sasha, Armin, and Jean during every twist and turn thay Hanji made. Her driving could be closely related to the feeling of riding a canoe in a storm. Eren thought he saw Armin turning a peculiar shade of green, but a screech coming from the vans tires interrupted his observations.

Levi opened the back door for the group, and everyone took their designated bag as they jumped off. Eren looked around as he jumped out of the van. They were right at the edge of the forest that surrounded the lake. The trees were few and far between, but as they traveled closer towards the lake Eren knew the forest would become more dense and more skill would be required to run or strike. A sudden nervousness russed over him.

A hand touched his shoulder, as if sensing his fear. Eren looked up, to see the sky. Confused, he looked down, and saw Levi. Irritation could be seen in Levi's eyebrow twitch but Eren ignored it, and waited for Levi to speak. "Armin, you will go out first, with support from Jean incase something goes down. I want you to explore the forest, especially near the lake, and come back to report anything you see in 20 minutes, the rest of us will stay here and wait for your intell", a nod from the two men signaled their understanding, and with a leap from Armin and Jean, the two disappeared into the branches of the trees.

Levi turned to the rest of the group, "Hanji, if they come back with anything unusual, you'll join Eren and myself to investigate. Sasha, you'll follow us at a distance, staying unknown to the enemy and ready to provide any assistance". A uniform nod came from the group and Sasha left to look over her medical bag, placing anything that seemed more useful in this situation at the top. Hanji took out her basic tools from her larger suitcase and placed them in a smaller backpack. Levi left to sharpen his blades, and Eren clasped on his long chains.

He walked over to Levi, who was sitting on a rock near the van. He had placed a small cloth where he was sitting, which was a odd choice to Eren, but he supposed it was because of Levi's hatred towards dirt. Eren didnt mind getting dirty as much, and sat on the ground facing Levi. He traced circles in the dirt with his finger, the last time he fought Marco was when he was in his wolf form. Would he even be able to fend for himself today? He hadn't learnt to willingly use his wolf form yet. "You'll be fine" said Levi, not lifting his sight from his blades. Eren looked up, "what? can you read my thoughts?". Levi now met his gaze, "yes". Eren was shocked, "whAT? REALLY?"

"No, and if you keep that tone there will be no need for Armin on our team, since stealth will be useless", Levi's eyes returned his eyes to his blade.

Eren stood up, "did you just make a joke?" This seemed to scare him more than the fate that faced him ahead.

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