5. Another Problem (edited)

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Todoroki's POV

I'm still carrying the unconscious Katsuki on my back. At the moment I'm on my way to his house and god, I seem to be out of shape.

On second thought.

Katsuki has never told me about his parents or mentioned me to them, I would bet on that.

I told him about my pathetic father's wish. How he wants to become the richest businessman in the whole world. To out number the first.

I laughed at myself from that thought. He even arranges me to marry some random girl that I don't even know. Pathetic. It really is pathetic, if you ask me.

Another second thought. I wonder what Katsuki thought when we had our kiss back at
the party.

Did he enjoy it? Did he hate it? Did he want more of it? How did he feel??

"Why am I asking myself all of these stupid questions anyway?" I told myself while I laughed.

Then again what will he say if I ask him out? Well, he says yes?

Stop Shouto, you're sounding like a girl, right now!

After spacing out for like an hour I realize that we were almost to Katsuki's home. Right now all I want to do is to make sure that he doesn't get taken away from me. That's all that matters right?

He's mine.

I stop a few feet away from his used-to-be home and just stare at it. "I-IT'S HUGE!!" I say shocked.

I know I live in a bigger layout but his house is tall.

I set Katsuki down and wrap my arm around him to support him. "What the hell, Katsuki," I sigh. "Is this why you never invited me to your house?"

I start walking to the front gate and opened it with my free hand. It was a struggle but I made it though.

I then started walking up to the front door with Katsuki by my side. I knocked on the door and to my surprise, somebody answers quite quickly.

The person who answered it was a woman that looked quite young almost looked like Katsuki too. She had the spiky blonde hair. A little bit longer than his actually. She also had the same eyes as him.

Probably his sister? Does he have any siblings?

"Ah, I see you brought my son back home." She said," How did he behave? He looks worn out so he must of have a nice time." She asked putting a hand on her cheek and the other on her elbow supporting her arm.

'Wait did she said 'son'?! This woman is Katsuki's mother?' I thought to myself.

"You look so young.." Todoroki said in awe.

Katsuki's mom laughed a bit.

"Mitsuki, who is at the door?" Said a man coming toward where we are standing. He has Light brown hair and also had a mustache. He's also wearing a pair of glasses that look good on him.

Probably his dad. Bakugou doesn't have much of a resemblance to him.

"This young man brought Katsuki home for us." She had a smile on talking to the man that is now in front of us. She looked straight into a different room and yelled," Nieto-kun! Katsuki is back!"

When she did a man with short blonde hair parted from his right side of his head, he had grey eyes and was wearing a sly grin when he coming out of a different room.

'Don't know why but I already hate him.' I thought to myself.

"Really, at this time of the night?" He said coming closer to where all of us were standing.

"Thank you for bringing him home." The man with the glasses said to me. I mean his dad.

"No problem." I put a fake smile on.

"My name is Masaru Bakugou and this is my wife Mitsuki Bakugou and this young man is Neito Monoma. Thank you again for bringing our son back to us."

I nod not taking my eyes off this 'Neito' person.

"Can I take him up to his room?" I ask hoping to get a yes from them.

They look at each other and smile. "Yes, you may. His room is on the second floor." Said Katsuki's mother. "Neito can you please show This young man to Katsuki's room." She said leaving with her husband in the kitchen.

"I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself earlier my name is Shouto Todoroki." I say putting my hand forward so this 'Neito' guy can shake it. He does shake it to my surprise. I notice that the guy with the grey eyes put on a bigger grin on than he had before.

I start walking into the house with the sleeping Katsuki still by my side. I take my shoes of and Katsuki's and leave them at the entrance. I start following the blonde upstairs, carrying Katsuki bride style.

"So you're Katsuki's Ex?" He said while not stopping.

" Mind your own business," I told him coldly. "What is it to you anyway?" I ask.

He stopped and looked at me. "Why, you ask? Well, that is simply easy to say. I'm his boyfriend, you see." He walked up to me, stopped right in front of me and put both of his arms out. "Now, give him to me." He had a serious look now.

"Why the hell should I?" I responded with a bored face on.

"Well for starters," he chuckled. "I'm his boyfriend, and well I never dump him like you did."

Fuck. He struck a nerve.

"I struggled to believe Katsu dated you." He said disgusted. "To believe you replaced him like nothing."

He really pissed me off. One, why the hell did he call my Katsuki 'Katsu'. Two because he's annoying.

"That doesn't give me a real reason to hand him over to someone like you. Just show me where his room is and I'll leave. I don't want to have any more problems with someone like you." I said disgustedly.

He is now glaring at me. Guess I have another problem on my hands and a really ugly one too.

"Why the hell do you act like you're all that now? Is it because I have him and you don't?"

"Don't fucking play with me. I was his first and it will always be me."

"You wish"

I suddenly feel Katsuki move in my arms. He was now starting to open his eyes.

Now he is staring right into my eyes. His beautiful red eyes.

"Katsu?" Neito the-one-who-thinks-he's-all-that Monoma asked in a questionable way

Katsuki starts to turn to where he is. "Neito? What are you doing here?" He said cutely. I put him down and he starts walking up to him." I missed you." He was hugging this nobody in front of me!

Monoma was staring at me with this huge smirk on. "I win," He said confusing Katsuki.

"'Win?' Win what?" Katsuki asked him.

"Nothing lets got to your room." He said taking him away from me.

'Tch' i thought and turned around an started making my leave. I headed downstairs and head to the front door, putting my shoes on angrily. After that, I leave not saying 'Farewell' or 'Goodnight'

Guess I have to make this more difficult then it already is. 'Monoma Neito. I'm going to make you disappear from Katsuki's life' I thought to myself. Well, this is going to be fun.

Even if it means destroying how Katsuki sees you.


Todo is not going to become a yandere!

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