11. Hanging Out (edited)

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Bakugou started to get cold. The more he spends out in the cold, the more he thinks about going home and just regretting his decision.

The blonde got a hand warmer package out of his pocket and unwrapped it since the temperature was dropping quite a bit. He put both of the hand warmers in his two pockets and shoved his hands in there feeling the warmth welcoming him.

He started thinking wondering why he didn't bring his coat.

A few minutes past when Bakugou decided to just go home. He sighed and started walk home when suddenly he saw a pair of lights hit him.

A car was getting closer to him slowly and by now he could see the driver. Todoroki. The car finally stopped and it was now in front of the blonde. The window rolled down letting the blonde man see a white with red hair man smiling at him.

"You're late.."

"I was stuck in traffic." Todoroki got out of the car and made his way to were Bakugou was," You know how insane the streets get in Japan." The red/white haired opened the passenger door so Bakugou could get in.


"It's been a while hasn't it." Todoroki tried coming up with a conversation. He didn't want the whole entire car rid be full of silence. "You look healthy, that's nice to see." Silence. Bakugou didn't want to talk, he just kept looking out the window.

He does have a point. Bakugou couldn't eat for a couple weeks or even months due to him falling into a depression hole. After a while his mom would supervise him to make sure he ate.

"You've been quite the whole entire time. Is something on your mind?" Todoroki asked the blonde taking a peek at him here and there. A few seconds past and Bakugou still hasn't said a word nor looked at him. Todoroki really started to worry.

First Bakugou called him and said he wanted to see him. Second Bakugou had a worried look on which is rare.

The red/white head stopped the car without warning causing the blonde to go forward. "What was that for!" Bakugou snapped.

Todoroki didn't look at him instead he just kept looking straight ahead.

"Whats wrong? Did something happen? Who was it?" The redhead Kept attacking the blonde with questions.

"Stop!" Bakugou exclaimed. "Nothing happens! My mo-" Bakugou stopped realizing what he blurted out.

Todoroki looked at Bakugou with a shocked face. "What happened to Mitsuki?"

"Don't call her by her first name," Bakugou looked down and opened the car door."Ignore what I said." and walked out.

"Bakugou!" Todoroki got the car keys and started chasing the blonde. "Bakugou! Wait!" Todoroki grabbed Bakugou wrist making the blonde face him. "I said 'wait' god damn it!" He shouted in the spiky's face.

"Let me go! Damn it!" Bakugou pulled his hand free from Todoroki's grasp. "My mother is fine and so am I." Bakugou looked down at his feet that were being topped with a layer of snow.

"If you are. Come over to my place and let's talk." Bakugou didn't say anything but nodded.

{Time Skip}

"Make yourself at home" Todoroki happily said.

Bakugou has been to Todoroki's house but he always gets amazed by the sight. "It's been a while." Bakugou took his shoes off.

"It has, hasn't it." Todoroki came out of the kitchen with two cups of tea. He hands one to Bakugou and the other one was set in front of him.

"I'll be back," Todoroki said. "Where you off to?" Bakugou questioned.

"I'm going to buy us some snacks and something to drink."

"Why? We already have tea.."

"For the movie, we're going to watch." Todoroki put on his shoes and headed out.

"This is going to take a while."Bakugou thought out loud.

He made himself comfortable maybe too comfortable since he fell asleep. About half an hour past since he passed and about an hour since Todoroki left.


Todoroki got his keys from his pocket and opened the door. He took off his shoe and saw the back of Bakugou's face facing him. Todoroki went toward bakugou expecting him to be awake but he was wrong. He was greeted with a sleeping Bakugou.

Bakugou looked so peaceful. His face looked calm and showed no signs of worry or anything. The red lowered himself to where he was looking at Bakugou. "Just one.." He said to himself. He leaned in toward bakugou and planted his lips on the blonde.

He saw Bakugou shift so he backed away. The blonde moaned a bit then finally opened his eyes. "You're back.." He said Todoroki barely hearing him.

"Been here for a while now."

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

"You looked so peaceful and beautiful when you were sleeping. So I couldn't."

Bakugou blushed but looked away so Todoroki wouldn't see him.

"..thank you." He slightly said with a small smile.

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