2 - Harry (edited)

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"Wake up everyone! " I heard Mrs. Weasley shout.

I sighed and rolled back over, hoping to get in maybe another hour of sleep. I had another nightmare from the war last night. This time I was Voldemort, and I was killing all of my friends.

"Time for breakfast!" I heard Mrs. Weasley shout again. That got me out of bed. Mrs. Wealsley makes the best breakfasts. 

I rolled out of my bed at number 12 Grimmauld Place and changed into jeans and a t-shirt before heading downstairs for breakfast. We we're at number 12 because the Weasley's house was destroyed in the war. After Sirius left the house to me, we all decided to move in here, because here was better than the ruins of a house. 

When I stepped into the kitchen I noticed things looked a lot cleaner than usual. Not that it's a bad thing, it's just that usually there are a bunch of food plates and other stuff haphazardly stacked on the counters.

I sat down at the table as Mrs. Weasley set a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon in front of me. The only other people up were Hermione and Mr. Weasley. Hermione was eating and reading a book (no surprise), and Mr. Weasley was packing his breifcase for work. I dug into my breakfast, thinking about reasons for why the kitchen was so clean.

"Mrs. Weasley," I ask, "why is everything so clean?"

"Because," she replies, "we have a guest coming."

I wondered who this mysterious guest is, but before I could ask I heard a bang on the front door, a pause, then knocking. Mrs. Black started screaming her usual frustrations about the wizarding world.

"And here he is now." Mrs. Weasley said as she silenced Mrs. Black and opened the door.


Sorry for such a short chapter. I was running out of ideas and I wanted to leave you guys with a cliffy. I will try to make the rest of the chapters longer.

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