Percy (edited)

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Throughout the rest of the day Harry, Ron, and Hermione keep giving me suspicious glances. I hope I'll be able to keep my cover. They are a very curious bunch.

I'm helping Molly with dinner when I burn my finger. "Oh no" Is all I can think before I fall to the floor and slip into a flashback.


Tartarus burned another line into my shoulder. He always burned the lines into the same spot.

"Bring her in," Tartarus says. I see them drag Annabeth in and I explode in anger.

"Torture me all you want, just don't lay a finger on her!" I scream at him. Cursing him out in both Latin, Greek, and English. He waits for me to finish and he just laughs.

"Very well, demigod." I watch as they release Annabeth back to camp half-blood. Then the torture begins.

(flashback isn't over, just switching P.O.V.)

Harry P.O.V.

Percy is rolling on the floor of the kitchen, screaming.

"No!!" He screams. It's terrifying to watch. "No!! Annabeth! Take me! Torture me all you want! Just don't lay a finger on her head!" I wonder who Annabeth is. He continues to scream and cry out in pain.

Suddenly someone appears beside me. It smells like the ocean, but I ignore it because Percy is still screaming

"Everyone, stand behind me." He says, but it comes out as more of an order. We do as he says and he takes out a knife. Our eyes widen at the sight of the knife, but the mysterious man acts like this is all normal. I watch as he chucks the knife at Percy, and I shoot a protection spell at him to save him from the knife. It hits my charm hand clatters to the floor. My charm disappears as well. The guy turns to me.

"Don't do that again." He growls at me before turning and chucking two knives at Percy. I watch as they fly towards him. Suddenly his hands shoot up and catch the knives, he turns towards us, ready to throw the knives. He relaxes when he sees the man. He drops the knives and gives the man a hug.

"Thanks, dad." He says.

"Dad!" I exclaim. "Percy, he chucked knives at you!"

"I know." He says calmly. "Its the only way to pull me out of a flashback."

"Flashback?" Hermione asks.

Percy turns to his dad. They seem to have a silent conversation before they turn back to us.

"I suffer from extreme PTSD. That's why I have the flashbacks. If I have another one or I have a nightmare, just throw a knife at me and it'll wake me up."

"Why do you have PTSD?" Hermione asks.

He tenses up and gives her a glare. "None of your business he says before turning around and walking out the front door. Weird.

The New Kid (under extreme editing)Where stories live. Discover now