Harry (edited)

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Shoutout to susiej1118 for being the first person to get the question right.

The answer to the question was the 74th hunger games.

"I see you have noticed our exchange student," Dumbledore says.

Everyone looks to Percy, he doesn't seem to like the attention. Dumbledore calls him up to be sorted into a house. I wonder what house he's going to be in? He walks up to the hat and McGonagall places it on his head. Before the hat even touches his head it starts screaming.


I've never seen someone sorted so fast. 

Percy P.O.V.


The last question was directed at me. I decide to ignore his question and walk to the Gryffindor table (A/N Hecate had explained all this to Percy before he left). I find Harry, Ron, and Hermione and sit down with them.

"What did the hat mean by 'How are you still sane?'" Hermione asks me.

"I've had a tough past. I don't want to talk about it." I reply, remembering all the torture I took in Tartarus so Annabeth wouldn't get hurt. (A/N I changed what happened in Tartarus a little bit)

"What do you..." Hermione starts to ask.

"I said I don't want to talk about it." I snap. I didn't want to have a Tartarus flashback right now.

-- Hola. Me llamo la Timey Skip --

I'm getting ready for bed. I'm hesitant to change because I don't want the others to see my scars. I know that they would ask questions that I wouldn't want to answer. 

Now it's dark, so I have decided that they won't see my scars. I still change quickly though, just in case, and jump into bed. I quickly drift off into my dreams and Tartarus's torture, hoping that I wouldn't wake the others up.

Harry P.O.V. 

I wake up to hear terrifying screaming. Everyone from the Gryffindor house and many of the teachers come rushing up to our dorms. The teachers include Dumbledore, McGonagall, Sprout, Flitwick, Snape, and Madam Pomfrey (sp?). The only person who isn't awake is Percy, and he is the source of the screams. He appears to be having another nightmare.

"Everyone, stand behind us!" Snape orders and all the students rush to stand behind the line of teachers. We watch as Dumbledore pulls out a knife. Ron, Hermione, and I know what he's going to do, but the other students don't. We watch as each teacher draws out their own knife. I know that they're preparing to throw them to wake Percy up. Dumbledore raises his knife and is about to throw it when a large gash appears on Percy's face, traveling from his left temple to the corner of his mouth. We now realize that his bed is drenched in his own blood. Not knowing what is happening, everyone freezes as he continues to scream.

Suddenly Percy's dad appears in front of us, this time with a blond. He turns to talk to those of us that don't already know him.

"I'm Percy's dad. Me and his girlfriend, Annabeth," he gestures to the blond, "are here to help you all with Percy." Before they can rush to help him a crack appears on the floor and he falls to god knows where. (It's gods, Harry)


I'm not doing a question this chapter. "Why?" you might ask. Because I don't want to

Peace out

- surfhome 3

The New Kid (under extreme editing)Where stories live. Discover now