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The shout out for this chapter goes to Fireheart888 

The answer to the question is Nico. Nico is the mystery boy in Harry's P.O.V.


It's been a month since Percy fell into that pit. I'm still not sure what it is. Percy's dad, Annabeth, and mystery boy come by once a week to give us updates on Percy. I eventually learned that mystery boy's name is Nico. 

So far the updates haven't been anything good or bad. Just a simple "Percy's alive" or "Percy's finding a way out". Today is the first time we (Hogwarts) have gotten any detailed news. Nico comes up to the front of the Great Hall, seeing as Hogwarts is eating breakfast right now.

"I have an update on Percy." Nico says from the front of the Great Hall.

The staff and students immediately quiet down. We're all worried about Percy.

Nico takes a deep breath before continuing.

"He's been captured and is being tortured down there." Nico tells us.

Everyone in the Great Hall starts talking and makes sound of protest towards Nico. 

"Everyone, SHUT UP!" Nico screams at us. He takes another breath before continuing. "I can show you where Percy is right now. Please note that it won't be pretty."

He makes some kind of dark mist and says, "Dad show me Percy Jackson. The Pit."

An image of Percy appears in the mist. He is covered in cuts, scrapes, burns, bullet holes. You name a wound or injury and he's got it. 

"We can see and hear him, but he can't hear or see us." Nico informs us.

We continue to watch as Percy remains slumped against the wall with his wrists and ankles shackled to the wall. We then hear a door creak open and a man walks in.

"Tut, tut." The man says, "I see you're still just the weak hero you always we're."

Percy rolls his head up and gives a sassy retort, "Shut up, jackass."

He receives a punch for this comment.

"Let's begin your torture. How about we start with," He pauses for a second to examine a table off knives, "this one."

He picks up a jagged 7 inch knife, and walks back over to Percy with a wicked smile plastered on his face. Then he thrusts the knife into Percy's shoulder, shoving it in the front of his shoulder and out the back of his shoulder. The knife falls to the floor with a 'clank' and Percy's wound starts to pour blood. Percy starts to loose conscious. All the students (or at least those who haven't passed out) start screaming at Percy to stay awake, even though they know it won't work. The mist starts to fade, but not before we hear the man say,

"How about we try something new, like electricity." Then we hear Percy's screams and the sound of electricity crackling before the connection is cut off completely.


Question of the Day:

What is Percy's middle name?

You can't google the answer, I want this to be fair. Comment your answer. The first correct answer gets a shout out in the next chapter.

Peace out!

- surfhome3

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