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know I'm a terrible author for making false promises.

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Percy is back.

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When we see Percy in the door way of the Great Hall everyone stops what they're doing. I mean it is so bloody quiet you can hear a pin drop or someone slightly exhale.

"Hi," Percy says with a smile before dropping to the ground. That's when all hell breaks loose.

Dumbledore puts his wand to his neck and shouts, "Silence!!"

Everyone shuts up and stands facing him.

"Now," he continues, "as you can see, Percy has returned to us. If you could please all calm down and sit back down at your house tables we can explain where Percy has been. Madame Pomfrey, could you please take Percy to the hospital wing? Thank you."

Dumbledore sits back down and everyone follows suit. Madame Pomfrey uses her wand to float Percy to the hospital wing, I hope he's okay.

Percy P.O.V.

I wake up and groan. I look around where ever I am and discover I am in the hospital wing at Hogwarts. I move to get out of the bed but Madame Pomfrey comes over before I can leave.

"You need to stay in bed, you're still healing." She insists. I lay back down and when she leaves I use some of the water vapor in the air to self-heal. Once I feel better I vapor travel out of the hospital wing to the doors just outside the great hall. I can hear the others talking, and I decide to walk in and sit down at my table as if nothing had happened. The moment I step into the great hall everyone stops what they're doing and stares at me. I ignore the stares and make my way over to Ron, Harry, and Hermione and sit down with them. Dumbledore stands up to speak and everyone turns to face him.

"As you can see, Percy has recovered from his injuries." Dumbledore tells us, "Should he wish, he may tell us where he has been."

Harry P.O.V.

Dumbledore looks at Percy and Percy nods. He stands up and walks to where Dumbledore is standing and turns to face us.

"Well," Percy starts...

Percy P.O.V.

"Well," I start. I know I can't tell them about demigods so I lie.

"I was kidnapped by a group of people who have been out to kill me since I was twelve." Not a complete lie, I can hear gasps at the fact that it's been happening since I was twelve.

"Don't worry you guys," I tell them, "I'm completely fine now."

That is a complete lie. I'm nowhere near fine. But being tortured in Tartarus will do that to you. I look to Dumbledore and ask if I can sit down at my house's table. He nods and I make my way over to Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Once I sit down Dumbledore starts talking again.

"Seeing as the year is over I would like to announce the points as they stand. In fourth with 406 points, Ravenclaw."

There is a polite applause before Dumbledore continues.

"In third place with 498 points, Slytherin (sp?)." 

More light clapping.

"And in first place with 575 points, Hufflepuff!"

I don't know what the big deal is, but clearly winning meant something important to each house.

... A time skip named Bob...

 this is the end of Bob's time skip

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... this is the end of Bob's time skip...

I stood in front of the train saying goodbye to Hagrid. The train ride will be torture for my ADHD, but oh well. I got on the train and fell asleep to the sound of the tracks and the Golden Trio.

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That's a wrap!!! I will let you all know when the sequel is up. I know the writing in this story is total sh*t so before I publish the sequel I'm going to go through and edit.

The New Kid (under extreme editing)Where stories live. Discover now