28. Darkness

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01x10; Better Half

01x10; Better Half

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"Rose, he's gone." Brea's voice echoed through the phone. "I'm so sorry, I tried to stop him but it was too late—"

"What are you talking about? Brea, just slow down." Rose said annoyed.

"They killed Esai, Rose. I just watched it happen." Brea cried.

Rose looked around the room, the little girls giggling and stretching in their pink tutu's. Isabelle frowned at Rose, as she stared into space. Rose dropped the phone on the ground, and widened her eyes as she felt herself become dizzy. She ran out of the room, she did not want these girls to see their dance teacher pass out onto the ground.

"Rose!" Isabelle frowned as she went after Rose.

"Just, just give me a minute," Rose panted before clinging onto the shelf next to her.

"Oh my god," Isabelle gasped and tried to catch her as Rose fell to the ground, dragging the paperwork on the shelf with her. Rose winced as she brought her hand to her heart.

Rose looked around the room frantically, trying to stay calm. It was already becoming hard to breathe. Maybe this was a good thing, she could be with Esai.

Rose peacefully closed her eyes naturally, accepting the darkness that soon took over.


All the sons sat in the waiting room, while Clay paced back and forth.

"Gemma cannot know," Clay pointed at Brea.

"Fine, whatever." Brea mumbled as she put her hands up in defense.

"You serious? Gemma will find out sooner or later—"

"Well for right now, she can't. I don't want both of my girls in the hospital right now. Got it?" Clay hissed at Tig. Clay was right, Gemma would freak out. It's best that she didn't know until Rose felt better.

Though, no matter what, Gemma needed to know. Tara walked into the room, and all the guys stood up, waiting to hear what she had to say about Rose.

"How is she?" Clay said, barely audible, like he was going to cry.

"She's going to be fine." Tara smiled brightly, as Clay widened his eyes and pulled her into a bear hug. Soon all the guys including Brea hugged Tara.

"Thanks, doc. Means a lot." Clay grinned softly. "When can we see her?"

"They're wrapping up the surgery right now, once their finished you can see her. I can't guarantee that she will be waking up anytime soon, though." Tara explained. "Where's Gemma?"

"With the irish ass you fixed up." Brea shrugged. Happy chuckled before fist bumping Brea.

"She doesn't know?" Tara widened her eyes.

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