60: Boiling

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02x09; Fa Guan

02x09; Fa Guan

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"I'm sorry about Luann," Vincent said softly as he sat on the ground with Rose, as everyone was leaving one by one.

"Don't be. This wasn't your fault. It was Jax's slip up, and now he's gotta deal with all the shit that comes with it." Rose said fearfully.

"Jax wouldn't have done it if he knew it would have cost her life." Vincent said reassuringly.

"If he knew all the people that would die because of him, Chibs and Juice wouldn't be in the hospital right now." Rose simply said, before leaning on Vincent's shoulder. "You should get out of here before you're in between another fight."

"Alright, I'll see you around then?" Vincent asked hopefully.

"Stay free for tomorrow." Rose smirked.

"Yes ma'am." He smirked before pecking her lips, and walking away.

Rose took a deep breath in as she stood up, and walked towards Brea and Happy.

"Sorry that this was a shitshow." Rose shrugged.

"It could've been worse." Happy shrugged as well, and Rose exchanges a look with Brea.

"This has to be the worst, Dad." Brea frowned.

"You know what the worst thing is." He mumbled to Brea before walking away.

"What's he talking about?" Rose frowned.

"My mother. He blames himself to this day.... Then again, it was brushed off as club business. Just how Luann will be." Brea explained, leaving Rose speechless. "How is Gemma holding up with all of this?"

"I—I don't know. I'll go talk to her. See you soon." Rose hugged Brea, before walking back into her house.

"See you," Brea mumbled before walking to her car.

Rose walked in, seeing Clay sitting at the table, stuck in thought, while Gemma was cleaning like crazy.

"Mom," Rose trued getting her attention. "Mom?" She repeated herself, but Gemma was still scrubbing away at the dishes. "Mom, we didn't even use them—"

"I'm fine, Rosalie." Gemma hissed. "I don't need a speech from you as well."

"I'm just making sure you're okay," Rose shrugged, before walking away.

"Should I even ask?" Rose mumbled to Clay, and he just glared at her. Rose nodded, and grinned sarcastically. "Well, goodnight then." She hissed before storming off to her room.

She walked over to her alarm, and sets it for tomorrow, planning to see Gemma's parents, her grandparents, both names in her mind fit. They weren't in her life as much, and at this point now, she regrets it.

Rose jumped onto her bed with a sigh, trying to take in everything. She wondered if Luann's death was really Jax's fault. It almost made Rose sick to her stomach at how Jax must feel.

She tried to remember all the encounters she had with Luann, and could only remember a couple. Their last encounter was at Rose's graduation, but what really stuck with Luann, is how much Rose reminded her of Gemma.

This made Rose wander deeper into thought, thinking how different she feels from Gemma. Her eyes felt heavier with every thought, until she finally gave into the slumber.


Rose glanced at her phone as she just finished getting put together, she texted Vincent. Assuming he wouldn't reply this early in the morning, she shoved her phone in her purse before heading out.

She paused as she saw Gemma already in the kitchen, smoking a cigarette and drinking some coffee. Rose didn't even realize Gemma was smoking; the smell stuck with the house since it was a normal thing.

"...Morning." Rose mumbled awkwardly as she walked into the kitchen, making some coffee on her own. Gemma just stayed quiet, and Rose understood why. Gemma was just as secretive as Rose liked to be, and somehow, Rose respected it.

"You goin' to see her?" Gemma's voice was raspy, and Rose assumed she had probably been up all night.

"Define her." Rose mumbled.

"Well," Gemma sighed, exhaling the cigarette. "You're damn well not getting up this early for Brea. Am I close?"

"Yeah, boiling." Rose sighed. "Are you sure you don't want to come with me?"

Gemma just inhaled her cigarette, thinking.

"You and Luann are the only women I respect. I'm surprised Rose Madock even respects my offspring." Gemma hissed.

"I'll take that as a compliment and... A no." Rose pursed her lips as she turned around to face Gemma, who was nodding at her. Rose bit her lip before saying, "Did you get any sleep last night, Mom?"

Gemma glanced over to Rose, and Rose was waiting for a sarcastic response, but was surprised when it was the opposite.

"Barely. Every burden that falls on your father, gets passed down to me. This one," She paused as she inhaled her cigarette once more. "This one is really kicking my ass."

Rose paused, feeling guilty for being rude to both of them last night.

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay here?" Rose asked as she walked over to Gemma, sitting next to her.

"I can take care of myself, baby. Don't worry about me." Gemma attempted to grin, before kissing Rose's cheek.

"Alright, you can't say I didn't try." Rose chuckled, making Gemma genuinely smile. Rose grabbed her coffee and left, heading to her grandparents house. As she pulled off, memories flooded in from the last time she was here. So many things have happened since then, her body ached at how different things were. How she had different problems now.

She thought about what her mom said, how every burden Clay has falls onto her. Rose hoped that if she took her mother's place, that the same burden wouldn't be passed down as well. Rose thought about who she could be with, even imagining her and Vincent being together until then made her heart flutter. If things did play like that, she prayed that either she could handle the burden, or have her future play out a different way. Without the club even being in the picture.

Stalling, she grabbed her phone and scanned the screen to see if Vincent had texted her back. Luckily he did, and with that, she decided to call him after her visit with her grandparents.

Rose got out of the car and took a deep breath, almost nervous to walk to the door. She looked around cautiously, before forcing herself to walk away from her car. She tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear, before knocking on the door.

Her heartbeat quickened as she heard the door unlock from the other side, before being face to face with the caretaker.

"Rosalie Morrow?" She asked questioning, not remembering Rose from last time.

"Y—yeah, you called me yesterday?" Rose bit her lip, scared the caretaker wouldn't let her in.

"Yes! Please, come in." She smiled, before opening the door wide enough for Rose to walk in.

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